Monday, November 18, 2013

Drink, Drugs and Speed - Potentially Lethal cocktail


Anonymous said...

Is it really so difficult to take a breathe test and then if neccesary a blood sample in hospital from a drunken driver to analyze the alcohol concentration in his blood?
This simple blood test is done all over the world and accepted in court for trial but our traffic police need special equipment for testing?!?!

Anonymous said...

wake up St.Lucia, we all know what is going on. The policemen, lawyers, teachers, Members of Parliament, construction worker, self employed, un-employed. They all want to have a good drink with the consequences. Tell the police officer, here in London, you can buy your own breathalyser. In order to check your alcohol level before you jump into you car. My mate has one.

Anonymous said...

The population must be purged of this misguided machismo mind-set, that it's ok to drink and drive.Now add drugs to the mix, it's a cultural thing....and it's time for change!!

Anonymous said...

Irresponsible drivers must be folgged incessantly.The threat of the bovine rod is the only remedial answer to this problem!