Tuesday, November 12, 2013

If It Drops, They’ll Pick It Up


Son-of-man said...



It is unnecessary to be apologetic for the investigative reporting by the press, and the information obtained from such activity; it is indeed expected of a good and respected Newspaper like the Voice.

The secret has long been revealed that there is an element of murderous, trigger-happy, Pinochet-type assassins within this Gang of thugs determined to murder any young Lucian deemed as “different”, while this incompetent Commissioner Vernon Francois “Sit like his grandsire cut in alabaster”, and Kenny Anthony is Sleep-walking.

Until the Leadership of this Royal Mafia is destroyed, and dismantled the rogue element of this once respected institution will be seen as the reincarnation of the torture and extermination camps of the Pinochet regime.

Anonymous said...

So why the hell would a Sovereign country agree to polygraph tests from the dirty Yanks? That should have never happen, we have a Head of State and She's not the President of the United States of America. We should never trust the Americans, they're dirty!