Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Mass facing the people

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

There's still too much tradition. As an ex-catholic, now attending a Pentecost congregation, the very word "MASS" sounds so alien to me.
We don't say 'going to Mass or attended Mass' we use the word 'Church' instead.
It appears to me that everything in the Mass revolves around one thing, the ritual of the 'communion'. Everything else is a repetitive motion and the 'Word' of GOD in the scripture is secondary.
At our Pentecost church we sing the praises of God loudly with joy, preach the Word, then in prayer invite the 'Holy Spirit' we ask those who need prayer to come forward, and according to the scripture, Lay hands and pray. The sick will be anointed with oil, and by faith ask the Lord to heal. We try to stick strictly to the written word of God.