Saturday, August 14, 2010

Commendable Work



Anonymous said...

Looks like the same hand that wrote the Dalson letter wrote this one.The coincidence between the appearance of these letters and Chastanet's launch in Soufriere is not lost on alert St. Lucians

Anonymous said...

Allan is a breath of fresh air for St. Lucia and Soufriere.

Finally we may have a chance to move forward into the 21st Century without the rancor of the Labour Party which is sorely in need of revamping.
The old time loser attitude of the sLP must be put to rest.

Anonymous said...

You know, I am a Lucian living abroad, I have never met T Chas but I like his style and I think that Compton saw something in him that most didn't. My problem is you mentioning colour, Allen is just like me, Lucians, we have no masters, we are not tribal, so I take offense. Saint Lucia is the only regional Nation which does not have a racial issue, yes we don't trust foreigners but Allen is a Son of Fair Helen. Please don't be petty and give him his due, he just wants to serve his beloved Saint Lucia.

Anonymous said...

The writer spoke about the good work Chastanet is doing to our tourism, but he have not mentioned what these good works are. All i know is, we are loosing jobs in the tourism industry on a daily basis. Chastanet is paying the air crafts millions of our taxes to come to St Lucia. Chastanet is flying on a daily basis with our taxes, because he is given the biggest slice of the budget. More cruise ships are coming not because of Chastanet but because of the financial situation, more people are taking the cheaper holiday on the ships instead of the more expensive land holiday. We lost a cruise ship coming to St Lucia under Chastanet watch. It is almost 4 years Chastanet is minister of tourisn and he has not done anything for Soufriere, excepting for firing the tour guides, now he is promising Soufriere heaven on earth because he want go into politics. I want you to tell us what has impressed you so much about Chastanet?

Anonymous said...

I think he's a good man and wants the best for his Country of birth.

Anonymous said...

Yes i forgot Chastanet also lied to the court to help Mondesir escape for STEALING form government coffers. So any liar is also a thief.

Anonymous said...

This is Chastanet propoganda at work here.

Anonymous said...

And how about the SLP hacks, hacking away.

Anonymous said...

SLP is proud and happy to hack about all the development it did in St lucia in just 9 years which we all are enjoying now. They made mistake as ALL governments will and has done, but they can boast of being the government in the history of St Lucia who did the most for St Lucia in the shortest period of time. SLP has put St Lucia on the map, everything they do was done to international standard. Go to St Lucia and you will see for yourself. UWP left St Lucia in a MESS, our PRISONS was not fit PIGS, our MENTAL HOSPITAL was not fit for Human Beings, our gerneral Hospital did not meet internal standards, MOST of our roads was not fit for Tractors to roll on, only the rich found school places in St Lucia, we did not have enough school places in PRIMARY schools, much less secondary schools, our POLICE and FIRE STATIONS was not fit for human beings to work in, St Lucia was one of the dirtiest inland in the caribbean, etc, etc. SLP cleaned up ALL that mess. Now UWP is back in office, they are still back their old ways with scandals after scandals, corruption after corruption, semi literate hand picked PM and ministers and they have stalled all the development the SLP started. The island is in a crisis.

Anonymous said...

SLP made mistakes in government and continues to make more mistakes in opposition. Dry, unimpressive, boring, Liedaya, is the only way to discribe the SLP.

Anonymous said...

How do you describe our present government, SLP is not in office our energies should not be focused on them.

Anonymous said...

Our energies should be eqaully focused on the government including those who are hoping to come or return to office.

No one gets a pass. If we failed to scrutanize the opposition, how do we even begin to look forward to a better government?

You are makig a grave mistake in thinking that opposition is beyond reproach just because they are not in government.

We really need to enlighten ourselves as St Lucians.

Anonymous said...

The recent report came out on tourism arrivals in the Caribbean for the last quarter.

St. Lucia had the SECOND BEST figures for the entire Caribbean with arrivals incrasing during the period for Fair Helen.
This has occured during a major world downturn exacerbated by the prolonged recession in the USA.

Who is the Minister of Tourism ?

Allan Chastanet.

Thank you Allan. Keep up the good work because a prophet is never recognized by the forces of evil in his own country.

Anonymous said...

Show us that report?

Anonymous said...

How comes our tourist arrivals are so good and we are loosing our tourism jobs on a daily basis. Does that make sense to you? You must find out how many millions is Chastanet paying of of our taxes for seats so that tourist could come to St Lucia and still we are loosing jobs.

Anonymous said...

I am neither UWP/SLP/PPP/PLP/ LLP or whatever other P. I look at the facts. A PROPHET never has the reputation which is documented in St. Lucia's HIGH COURTS on ALLEN CHASTANET, with respect to the KEITH MONDESIR TUXEDO CORRUPTION SCANDAL.uNLESS AND UNTIL WE REMOVE THOSE RED OR YELLOW TAINTED GLASSES, WHEN WE ARE DISCUSSING WHAT IS AFFECTING THIS COUNTRY, it will collapse, for it is very near that stage. St. Lucia is being described overseas as a FAILED STATE. Are you not concerned with this? Look at the facts and determine whether these augur well or not for the country.Or for that matter, whether Allen is your friend in the tourism sector or not. Look at the facts and the damage done to the country. This is a very serious case and was being monitored overseas.

Anonymous said...


The Caribbean experienced a mixed start to 2010, with sharp differences between countries in terms of tourist arrivals. In general, the picture was positive, with several countries posting increases in tourist arrivals, following a year of overall decline in 2009.

ST. LUCIA and the US Virgin Islands registered high levels of arrivals growth in Q110,
with arrival numbers growing by 12.5% and 15.0% year-on-year (y-oy) respectively, reminiscent of the regional growth levels experienced prior to the 2008-2009 global economic slowdown.

Other countries experienced smaller levels of arrivals growth, with the number of visitors to Aruba and Barbados increasing by 3.1% and 1.7% respectively. Regional bellwether the Dominican Republic, a major tourist destination, experienced growth of 3.9%.

The picture was less positive for Bermuda and Curaçao, which experienced arrivals declines of 17.9% and 13.5% respectively. These countries have only reported figures for January, so full first quarter figures are likely to show a more moderate decline. Continuing the Q110 trend, the region is likely to report further growth for Q2, although arrivals will slow during the June-November hurricane season. With the 2010 hurricane season forecast to be heavier than in 2009, arrivals are likely to slow again before picking up in the pre-Christmas high season.

Bermuda also fell significantly.

Os course the SLP hacks will try to put this down because they do NOT want tourism to do well under Chastanet because they are more interested in their politics than the welfare of St. Lucians.

Anonymous said...

I notice no one is reporting on the huge turnout for Chastanet yesterday. Wonder why ?

Anonymous said...

Why are you quoting regional tourism statistics to substantiate ALLEN CHASTANET into politics. This is not what the new world order is about today. It is all about TRANSPARENCY, ACCOUNTABILITY AND GOOD GOVERNANCE. This is why this country is at its END. You folks keep looking at MONEY, above all, the new world order is demanding CHARACTER. I repeat Chastanet records in the HIGH COURTS in St. Lucia, speaks volumes of the person he is. Obviously, from what I read he is not credible nor honest. And knowing the history, I am not surprised.This is why so many crooks, drug traffickers and fraudsters are buying-up St. Lucia in broad daylight.And we know who has been the facilitators. I ain't interested in LLP, UWP or SLP. I am interested in St. Lucia and legitimate business for the stability of St. Lucia. LETTERS ROGATORY coming from major countries abroad to confiscate properties from illegal gains cannot and will never stabilize St. Lucians economy. Don't get fooled by the numbers at the Chastanet rally. His father pours money into the banks from God knows where. People in St. Lucia from middle class to lower-class are now scrunting to eat and pay bills, and everyone is looking for l'argent, l'argent. That does not translate to votes. You remember, what happened to the idiot KENNY aNTHONY WITH HIS L'ARGENT, L'ARGENT SYNDROME IN December 1996. Be guided. Let us look at the best character fits for politics for St. Lucia. This is the only way we can save it. Not LLP, OR UWP OR SLP. Good decent folks, this is what the country needs.

Anonymous said...

Yuo talk and sprout about CHARACTER when you and your inept incompetents spent $500 million in 9 years and had nothing to show for it.

You talk about accountability and transparancy when your leader was the laughing stock of Caribbean people and Lucians because he did not know the meaning of these words, but used them like sand on the beach.

You talk about governance when the one thing the SLP bossmen could NOT do was govern.

Crime rampant under the SLP.

Arrogance was their middle name.

Reckless borrowing and friveleous spending.

Gascon you living in a world with bottom dwellers who know no better.

Anonymous said...

What large turn out you talking about? The UWP provided FREE transportation for people all over the island and pour them into Soufriere, some people went to Soufriere for the lime and freeness. That does not mean that Chastanet has the support of the Soufriere people. I remembered attended a PLP candidate launching in Laborie once, there were thousands of people from all over St Lucia in Laborie that day and that candidate lost his deposit.

Anonymous said...

How can somebody some shameless, bias person spoke about borrowing and have nothing to show for it. Either that person is blind, deaf or dumb or he or she is not living in St Lucia, and have no interest in what is happening in St Lucia. Come to St Lucia and we will saw you all the development we had for 9 years of SLP ruin. I think you are mistaken because UWP have borrowed even more than the SLP, i challenge you or anybody else to show me anywhere in St Lucia what they did with that money. I challenge you to name the island in the caribbean which was laughing at St Lucia. St Lucia was the fastest developing island in the caribbean when SLP was in office. Now they are laughing at us for have a semi literate PM who has stalled all development in St Lucia. For the first time in our history Barbados was afraid that we would surpass them by getting the cricket world cup, was during the SLP ruin. They had to hurry build a better ground than ours. Talking about crime, SLP had a plan and was putting many things in place to curb the crime situation. Please tell or show me what has UWP done in nearly 4 years to curb crime? Do not tell me they changed the C.O.P. LOL. Police are being killed, magistrate is being shot, gunmen is invading our prison to free their men, people are being killed on a daily basis, tourist ships are pulling out of St Lucia because of crime, etc,etc, UWP do not have a clue. All you all can talk about Dr Anthony arrogant, Dr anthony was always talking to the press, putting everything in the open. How many time has King ever spoken to the press? Everything is hidden in the country, contracts are given without any bidding,nobody know the prices of these contracts, they denied A&M being involved in the airport construction, but A&M equipments is landing secretly in Vieux Fort. The UWP has taken St Lucia to it lowest ebb.

Anonymous said...

SLP still recovering from shock after Sunday. What was once thought to be a cake walk is turning out to be a major headache. Poor jab the party that thought they could win without the help of former flambeaus.

Anonymous said...

You mean that is all the people UWP a party in power, who provided FREE Transportation for people from all over the country can muster? UWP is in real trouble.

Anonymous said...

But off course SLP is shocked at the stupidity and low turnout that PENAPANIERE attracted in Soufirere for a government in office, who provided free transportation from all over St Lucia. Where is the PEN he promised us in terms of the FERRY. All the UWP can do is to try to fool us with their fail and un fillful promises, promises and more promises. PENAPANIERE promised us FERRY he failed to deliver, now he promise Soufriere PEN, what ever that means. Budget after budget the UWP promise us the world and fail to deliver. Where is the tunnel, the Hess oil refinery, all the hotels in each district, fixing of roads, the 7000 jobs, bringing back the banana to where it was, labour code, reduction of crime, reduction of in prices of goods, food basket, local contractors getting all local contracts, i could go on and on. All the UWP has done is to look for excuses by blaming others for it failure, incompetence and non performance, they blame the SLP for 3 years, then the began blamed the recession, now they are blaming the government workers for not executing projects. Now we can call the UWP government the BLAME GOVERNMENT.