Thursday, August 5, 2010

A Terrifying Situation



Anonymous said...

MG you are on to something here. Everyword of what you have said is true. King and his empire is over. He just doesn't know it yet.

Anonymous said...

Vote LPM.

Ahjay said...

There is no denying the facts; the claims made by the author of the article are true and can be verified. It is unfortunate that the Stephenson King administration has refused to take any action against Dr. Mondesir. There is no doubt that the Minister tried to defraud the Customs Department. The Housing Minister and his association with gangs and gang leaders is a time bomb waiting to explode.

Anonymous said...

misguided children should never be left unto themselves without proper supervision. domn this independence B.S. we would not be in this mess if the brits were still here guiding us.

Anonymous said...

Whooo Bro Micah, i guese the heat is on and enough is enough.
Remind Allan of the last paragragh,Soufierarians residing in NewYork, London and Toronto are timing the general election bell to come home.

This is my country. I am not an imported Saint Lucian neither was my family and my parents family and their family. My roots in this country go back years and years and years and more years.

We are not for sale at the best price. The real choice will be the LPM....3 PARTY = CHANGE

Note: The LPM CAMPAIGN begins August at the launching in Gros Islet.

Anonymous said...

Micah George has always stood out as one of Saint Lucia's very,very few professionals in the field of Journalism. The other I can think of is Mr. GUY ELLIS.I have always viewed you two, as two of our most respected journalists. Are there any others? Reading your article from outside Saint Lucia makes me feel proud as a Saint Lucian. At least I can show some evidence contrary to what is being said, about Saint Lucians being one of the DUMBEST in the world.Why hasn't the Government speak to this issue? It is hurting Saint Lucia overseas. At least, from my vantage point, those who matter at the international level, can analyze the events in Saint Lucia, in much the same way, that Mr. Micah George has done.You make us proud. At least we do have some great/good things left in Saint Lucia. Three Cheers Micah!

Zeigy said...

I'm voting LPM.

LuciaBoy said...

Mr. Editor I thought this was a timely piece and must be taken seriously.
What frightens me is that too many St. Lucians are consumed with ensuring their personal survival while the very survival of the country is under threat by weak kneed leadership, arrogant and narcissistic politicians, leaders of NGO and civil society groups who are more concerned about promoting their own personal agenda rather than the agenda they should be focusing upon, and a populace whose attitude seems to be "sar par zaffaire mwen".

Yes are are quickly sowing the seeds in this "Spring of our existence" for our "Summer of discontent." The elements and situations which gave rise to Jamaica's Tivloli are being nutured to result in our Wiltons Yard. I do not want to be a prophet of doom but it is incumbent upon responsible members of the soceity to raise the alarm early rather than wait for when the horse has run out of the barn.

In any demorcracy no office is as important as the office of citizen. Our role as citizens is the fiercely guard our demorcracy, bring our leaders to account, rein in their excesses and abuses, and keep the fire burning under their feet. When we shirk our responsibility we are virtually giving the powers that be the opportunity to ride rough shod over or lives and put our future in great jeopardy.

Anonymous said...

aye aye, lets not be one sided here the kenny administration embezzled the state to through out his ministers and i believe this administration have not yet done so much distruction.

Anonymous said...

i would like to say a some thing about the 2 journalist , i think these guys got carried away so they wanted to be in the spot light so they created the evening news.

Anonymous said...

Not true at all. What Mr. George has written about is much larger than a politician wasting the states money. If you all would just take the time to investigate it would be clear as crystal that King is not running the show in the government.

Anonymous said...

I agree. This government operates in the true mode of a mafiadom. King is not the godfather. He is only a foot soldier for the godfather. King is PM in name only not in deed or action. Don Salalendigo Italia runs the government.

Anonymous said...

The begining of the end is soon THE UWP'S is planning a Rally in Soufriere on Sunday August 15th 2010 to launch Allan, Guy Mayers,Doddy and others to there political cross of death.

We in Soufriere welcome them, bring it on...We cannot wait!!!!!

Anonymous said...
Coming to your area soon

Anonymous said...

LPM all the way baby. It's our movement, we the people.

Anonymous said...

My opinion ... Micah has hit the nail on the head. I think the only organisation which MIGHT be able to ask the King "REGIME" to step up, is the The Chamber of Commerce (made up of St Lucian businesses as members ... but even they are silent on the run of things.

*sigh* ... what to do ... c'est zaffaire mwen, mais ... sa pour faire ...

Crime is rampant in almost all neighbourhoods in the country; we are imprisoned in our own homes against criminals; criminals have the upper hand in everything now ... some individuals are trying to steer this generation into doing good things.

It is quite glaring that PM King is just a puppet in front of the show.

Anonymous said...

There is an easy way out of this episode of unparallel and unprecedented shameless, irrational, non credible and colonial clowns call the UWP., which is equivalent to Bandits, pirates, con artist, endangered species, pit bulls and deceptive politicians.

The campaign begins in Soufriere with Allan Chastanet to dismantle his slavish concepts, untruths and deceptive practices in business and politics.

The stage is set….one and all are you ready for the battle….

Anonymous said...

Coming to your area soon, We the People.

Honesty, Integrity and Justice for All

Get Involved & Sign up:

A decent alternative for all St. Lucians. Vote LPM

Anonymous said...

There is an easy way out of this episode of unparallel and unprecedented shameless, irrational, non credible and colonial clowns call the UWP., which is equivalent to Bandits, pirates, con artist, endangered species, pit bulls and deceptive politicians.

The campaign begins in Soufriere with Allan Chastanet to dismantle his slavish concepts, untruths and deceptive practices in business and politics.

The stage is set….one and all are you ready for the battle….

Anonymous said...

Wow Micah, glad to see Iam not alone in being concerned about the state of our nation. Iconcur with your concerns, yes our democracy is in peril, the threat of armed uprisings is possible if we allow the development of Garrisson towns , the people must use their mandate to ensure politicians are not allowed to achieve this. Agree that the continued presence of a person who tried to steal from the state should not be a MP,but there are others what about a convicted felon(Bruce Tucker) being the international face of our country. Even the PM after his bending down for Rycliff is a gross embarassment.
You know what makes ne fell worse is that I voted for this government yes Ivoted for UWP because Ithought Compton would have been able to control them , but now they are out of control.
Another dangerous step being contemplated is the election of Chasnet , that is a dangerous move, can you imagine this situation Chasnet is PM and his father controls the food of the nation , that is very very dangerous and must not happen.
Finally those so called opinion formers who because of their dislike for the Leader of the Opposition continue to prop up this decadent government are doing our country a diservice.
I will not be voting for the UWP at the next election.

Anonymous said...

Another dangerous step being contemplated is the election of Allan that is a dangerous move, can you imagine this situation T- Chas is PM and his father Big – Chas controls the food of the nation that is very very dangerous and must not happen.

That’s the 2 4 1 syndrome we need to attach in the upcoming elections. We in Soufriere are ready for them.