Tuesday, May 31, 2011

A response on the facts; the attacks from the Parliament



Anonymous said...

While the parties play their political games, the welfare of the man in the street gets little attention. But poor man may not understand the stakes are against him. Already some of the media houses are aligned to one party or another. Whatever they want to focus on gets the space and air time. St. Lucia is idiot country.

Anonymous said...

In addition to the comments by the honorable Q.C Asthaphan; I have seen video footage of the honorable Compton, member for Micoud North in the St.Lucia Parliament, stand on a point in response to the PM's attack on her brother's good name, a member of the public, with no response from the Speaker. Not throughout the length of the visible video footage!

Anonymous said...

St.Lucians need to understand the stakes that are leveled at them especially with Grynberg issue. The writer has done a beautiful job in developing conversations pertaining to this matter.

We now need to see the evidence from Frederick and his uwp government NOW or we will cry FOUL.

Anonymous said...

Want to know if members of the entire St. Lucian cabinet is lying or not? Then watch their mouths.

It is that simple. Once their mouths are moving, they are lying.

758NOW said...

Spot on, counsel.


Anonymous said...

4th blogger, are they lying? What truths would one expect from an excon and a drug baron?

Well explained, Counsel. Certain media house(s) in St. Lucia is biased, politically motivated, have a downright hatred for Kenny Anthony and would rather spoil and tarnish the name of private citizens than bringing the truth to light. Very sad!

Anonymous said...

Informatively done Counsel!!!!. You know what is sad? that you have to explain to a so called LAWYER as to how to interpret basic material; It clearly shows that a drowning man will grasp at a straw. The Minister of Housing has seen the writing on the wall. No amount of trying to smear Dr.Anthony's good name will help him. Who Jah bless NO MAN curses!!!. The Housing Minister has enough skeletons in his closet. This UWP gov is a ONE TERM GOVT. The Change was for Sir John and he is now dead. This group of Morons including the bus driver will be out of office as soon as elections are called. We will win elections by the BALLOT and not the BULLET.

Anonymous said...

It's clear form this article that Kenny has become a moo-moo and can only speak through his lawyer (ass-ta-fan). Perhaps Kenny's mouthpiece can tell us what Kenny refuses to about the Rochamel fiasco. We need to know why created Frenwell? Kenny and his learned counsel (sic) cannot decide not to give oral evidence to the Ramsahoye Commission and yet cry foul when the Commission regrets his not giving oral evidence and allowing himself to be cross-examined by the Commission. When Kenny set up his own lynching commission to go after Sir John and Josie in 1998both men appeared in person in addition to giving written submissions. Come back again counsel.