Saturday, March 21, 2009

Are they really farmers ???



Anonymous said...

Just this morning, I saw a shiny 4-door "FAR" truck pass by my house. The plastic liner in the box was clean enough to eat out of it. If I see it again, I'll post the licence plate number.

Anonymous said...

you know,I find it strange that there has not been greater action taken by the authourities to recall these vehicles from these persons. If they can't seem to find these vehicles then perhaps I'll also start posting the license plates in order to help the investigation. I see know of few of persons too well.

Anonymous said...

my neighbour who is a long time farmer was denied the opportunity to get the concession since it was stopped. Why did it take the ministry so long to realise that so many non farmers were getting away with this. I know a few of them as well

Anonymous said...

It may not have happened if the those ministry field officers were properly cheking the information that they were given. We will see how many will be forced to pay the money back or have the vehicles siezed by customs.

Anonymous said...

No real farmer will accessorize his vehicle to the level seen with those 4 door 4WDs. The north and south is full of them