Friday, March 13, 2009

The relevance & economics of fishing to be presented to the young people of Anse-la-Raye & Canaries


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

There seems to be a feeling among some Anse - La - Rayeans that our district rep is not really in tune with the developmental needs of the district. Every representative thinks that we need a fishing complex even in the face of overwhelming evidence that the fish supply is dwindling in our bays.
A fishing complex was build some years ago that for the most part was underutilized and quickly fell into disrepair. Notwithstanding we are being told a bigger and better one will be built.

Someone once said Anse - La - Raye has been transformed from the "fishing village with a drinking problem" to a "drinking village with a fishing problem". I am not sure that fishing is still the mainstay of the local economy in Anse - La - Raye.

We are calling on the district rep and the district leaders to advocate for a more sustainable project that would create continued employment for at least fifteen to twenty percent of the growing ranks of the unemployed there. Refurbish the existing fishing complex, resurface the village streets, demolish the abandoned derelect houses, encourage micro business development and attempt to attract more small industries like textiles, canning etc..