Tuesday, October 27, 2009

The Day of Reckoning is Upon Us



Anonymous said...

Ha Ha Ha, day of reckoning for whom, it seems Stephenson King was made to look like the janitor he rightly is. He could not even follow a simple instruction to reword a document. What an embarrasment. Imagine the most profound statement Richard Fredrick was able to make on a point of law was "if a shirt is labelled made in china it does not necessarily mean it was made in china." I guess that is the same reasoning used for him to break the customs seal. Ha Ha Ha . You tried to shame Kenny and you only succeded in shaming yourselves. Go and learn to speak first before you bring debate to the house. And who wrote the long speech King read, very badly to the house.

Anonymous said...

The only day of RECKONING we need in St Lucia is for this incompetent government is to begin to work in the interest of the country, to create employment for the mssses. It is time for them to start inplementing the three budgets that was written for King to read in the house. What a waste of three years of St lucians lives, imagine we have to more years remaining to waste.

Anonymous said...

I though a government job was to work for the country and the opposition job was to oppose. But we have it the other way wrong in St Lucia, we have a government whose only work is to find faults in the opposition.

Anonymous said...

Kenny is a shenya!!! He could not defend himself before the inquiry but wanted more time to speak? LOL

Gar Latay Kenny!! LOL

Anonymous said...

One word...KARMA

Anonymous said...

Reckoning have come and gone, is St Lucia any better? has the government created any new jobs? Has the government completed the hospitals, which was almost completed yet? Has the government completed the Forensic lab, which was almost completed yet? has the government given the white elephant(that is how they called the stadium) in VF back to the sports men yet? etc,etc. It is three years and that is the RECKONING we need in St Lucia.