Saturday, October 31, 2009

King Promises Prosecution



Anonymous said...

Why did not the commission ask Menissa Rambally to appear? She was the Minister responsible for the NCA and yet we all act as if she has disappeared off the face of the earth since the SLP lost the elections in DEc 2006.

If there is one thing that I agree with Dr. Anthony is that the Ramsahoyle Commission was febble , ineffective and mrely gave a day to day report that could have been found out by any accounting firm that could have been paid $100,000.
Whereas Dr. Anthony claimed they were ineffective as if it were a plus for him I maintain that if they had done their job properly a lot of people would have been in hot water. The commissioners were overpaid and incompetent.

Anonymous said...

I can't agree more. The whole manner in which Kenny attended to our bussiness stinks!

Anonymous said...

To the VOICE....we don't like this way of blogging, it's kinda pushing us aside.....undemocratic WE think.

IAKM said...

Although I share a bitter disappointment, and dislike for the actions of the past SLP administration, I would caution all St. Lucians to be careful how we treat this new revelation. We could be stting a potentially explosive precidence for all future actions taken by our elected representatives.

Remember, when we elect a person to represent us, we should know that does not automatically make them infallable. They still remain human, and apt to making mistakes in judgement!

Let's not continue this "blind victimization" that has infiltrated our once beloved island. We are family, friends and neighbors first and formost.

I pray that God Bless St.Lucia, and continue to impart to us us wisdom, mercy, and grace toward one another!

Anonymous said...

ahem! LIke Kenny was not the one who created this precedent.

LuciaBoy said...

King is bluffing. It is just pure political posturing threatening prosecution. He has no basis for prosecuting anyone as the commission's terms of reference did not include finding probable cause for prosecution.

At any rate, the commission did not find evidence of corruption on the part of anyone, hence no basis for prosecution.

What is clear is the maladministration on the part of Kenny Anthony, which resulted in a major loss of the country's meagre financial resources.
What is clear, is the obfuscation on the part of Kenny Anthony in trying to seek parliamentary approval of the guarantee under the guise of structural development projects and "meeting financial obligations to Hyatt."
In direct contravention of his "transparency and accountability" promise in seeking office.

He is guilty of being a St. Lucian politician - that is a special breed. He is not guilty of misappropriation of government funds. At least, the commission did not find any such evidence.

At any rate, he committed some egregious errors in not consulting the technocrats available to him in the various ministries. He is guilty of "idiotic hubris", and as a result he is not qualified to be treasurer of a sports club, let alone mimister of finance.

Anonymous said...

All King have to do is tie Kenny in the courts for the next 2 years. Case closed -Flambeau win the next general elections.

IAKM said...

Anonymous, it is not important who set the precedent. The question is, do we want this precedent set.

I have family, friends, school chums, etc., who support one or the other party, and who are presently, or hope to serve their country with crediblity, and I'm sure you have the same also. Do you want this for them.

I, personally, have always supported UWP, but it was the late George Odlum who prevented a roudy group from attacking me after UWP won the elections in 1981 (I think it was). Further, quite a bit of my friends and acquaintances are SLP.

This hateful division on political ideology, religeon, etc., has to stop.

UWP, or SLP, we are one people first.

Ole Mass Government said...

Happy People yeah, yeah, King also promised 7,000 jobs, a Hess Refinery, and the list goes on. He may want to tie Kenny in court that is his prerogative, since he has the state purse to do what he wants, but he will not be spared answering to the following how much did Chastanet pay for all the parties he has been having in St. Lucia. I guess he bought shares for St. Lucia in FCCA and CHA, how about Showtime Boxing. How about the money he is throwing at Jet Blue and Blue Jet to bring St. Lucians to the states to spend all the money they should be spending at home and at the same time Americans who can really afford are not coming in. We are wise we say, but only for mischief. By the way people of the penny press could you tell St. Lucia how much was paid for Condor to come and ofcourse King is now promising a terminal for V/Fort good for you King say what you want, you are not accountable, you are the accidental PM. You journalist of the penny press you are not asking the questions, but you want to posit opinions. I guess we will have to await the Enquiry. I have the terms of reference already, Daher building, American Airlines, Condor, Jet Blue or Blue Jet, Tuxedo Gate, the vehicles Mondesir girlfriend mash up and who pay for it, the role of Isaac Anthony played in representing government on the V/Fort Soufriere Highway, underinvoicing by Fredrick, the Transfer of Terrance Leonard, Who gave the directive to cut the boy locks, Stephenson King rent, How much Taiwanese went into private bank accounts, the Red envelopes, Asphalt and mining, Michael Chastanet's Letter about bribes, Janice Compton's lock box,

Anonymous said...

King and all his bang wagon in government, should be proseccted for wasting three whole years of our lives, and they still have two more year to go. That is a crime in it self, to be paying our hard earned tax dollars, to people who does not produce anything