Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Weathering Caribbean Hurricanes No tropical storm in a teacup!



Anonymous said...

Mr. Bousquet: Would you mind defining what is a Tycoon to your readers? When you say we have no tycoons but we do have hurricanes, I am not certain if you are explaining this correctly. As far as I know, the only difference between the two is that they are located in different parts of the world which causes one to turn clockwise and the other anti-clockwise. But to all extent they are the same, and act in the very same manner. So I would prefer to state that we have the same, except the names are changed because of the different way they revolve on the planet. And too, I must state that tycoons tend to be stronger than hurricanes most of the time. In fact, this year the strongest ever in the history of earth was recorded when it hit Indonesia.

lbm said...

Mr Bousquet - Mount Pele, in St Pierre is located in MARTINIQUE, and not "Guadeloupe", as your article states.

Also TYPHOONS are CYCLONES so named in different parts of the globe are one and the same, as Anon #1 points out. Anon #1, though, referred to them as "TYCOONS" [a business magnate].

You can get full explanation on global tropical storms at wikipedia.com

Anonymous said...

Yes, Mr Bousquet, we DO NEED to take heed of weather patterns affecting the globe. Surely, these patterns/seasons have been going on for millions of years -but we are only going through, yet again, another millenium cycle.

Due to our updated communication systems, it seems that climatic changes are only now coming to light - but we ALL now have a job to do: pick up our trash, conserve energy, we are in the perfect location for alternative energy generation [solar and wind power], and treat our environment as a precious gem.

With proper education, awareness and non-ignorance, it can be done - maybe in a generation or two.