Thursday, January 27, 2011




Anonymous said...

"We know how THEIR work"? Is that even remotely grammatically correct, Micah? How about a back page for your malapropisms, Mr. Know-It-All?

Anonymous said...

Flambeaus can use all resources available to them including VODOO . Nothing will change the minds of the people when they are ready for change. Do we remember 1997? 2006? who cared whether Kenny was a political neophite or John Compton was 83 yrs old? St Lucians needed change good or bad. The consequences we suffer today but it is what it is. Rick Wayne can try all his influencing tactics from his Star Newspaper too. Elections are won at the polls and by the BALLOT not the BULLET!!!!

Anonymous said...

More BS from Kenny and the SLP. Saying that u are ready does not mean that u are. In four years of opposing the UWP, the SLP is yet to prove that it has change or is different from the SLP of 1996-2006. Same old Kenny Anthony with the same failed ideas. Any St Lucian who loves their country and is progressive in their minds would and will not give the SLP a 2nd look. How can a party win an election when it has yet to put a significant dent in the core support of the UWP. How can a party win an election when it is losing support to a cacawat party like LPM. The only way for SLP to win is to demonstrate that it can keep it's base in tack, put a serious dent in UWP support, and come with some fresh ideas. Short of that they are headed to another crushing defeat.

Anonymous said...

Foreign-born nationals have gravely misled this country even before so-called independence. They have paved the way for the creation of an army of backward St. Lucians who are so limited that they can't see the damage caused by the importation of political leaders. They have created generations of woolly thinkers who are now killing the society and themselves with their drug trade.

Kenny could not reverse this criminal development in just two terms. The criminals had the better of him. He himself did not understand the depth of ignorance nor the counter measures that had to be taken to overcome this. He succumbed.

Now, these foreigners are back at it again. They are aiming for the very soul of the country. They are undermining the future of generations to come with more moronic nonsense.

They think that we are all dumb like their leaders picking on grammar and forgetting the message.

It is time to retire these 'come-here' Lucians! Pay their passages home even! We need tourists and not 'fifth columnists'!

We fresh people with fresh ideas. I am going to give the my vote to the LPM.


It is really sad to hear that there is outside interference in the electoral process IN st.Luica.
However it may not be hard to understand the foundational formula that underpins Strategic- whatever-- it-is, viz...Every action produces an equal and opposite reaction..
Lies ,disinformation,psychological warfare,diplomacy,are some of the avenues used.In St.Lucia we have a proverb: IGNORE THEM.How do we apply this proverb in the up coming elections?
We know the candidates.We socialise with them.We sleep with their family members. everyone is everyones relative.We see their activities.There is really no need for us to listen to anything which we do not know about the canidates from all the parties.Therefore let us consult ourselves within our hearts,looking at what the candidates are to us from the time they were young,what they are now,what they have done in and out of office.then make our decision on whom to vote for.Don't use what you hear to guide you especially if it is some new piece of info.
Shango great king of Africa was master of strategy...we can use his lessons he taught us lessons deep within our hearts.S- C- whatever- it- is, relies on intelligence,but intelligence is largely flawed.
How many times have we heard the following:An intelligent man like you garcon...doin dem tings?
So intelligence is flawed so is the strategy of SC- whateve- it- is.negligible

Anonymous said...

LPM, you came from the very anus of the UWP, the party that gave St Lucia an imported leader. How can we give you my vote when you're meme bette, meme pwelle and you stink just as bad? Allez lavez fess zot

Anonymous said...

LPM, you came from the very anus of the UWP, the party that gave St Lucia an imported leader. How can I give you my vote when you're meme bette, meme pwelle and you stink just as bad? Allez lavez fess zot

HULLA said...

Vodun has nothing to do with it.Vodun is a living entity from the creator of All.Vodun acts AND MOVES. IT IS INDEPENDENT.vodun is mystery.
If voodoo is used by UWP be assured IT IS WHAT HAS BEEN DONE.outdated ,useless

Anonymous said...

This article demonstrates that Kenny is a prime Joker! I am happy that a few who commented can see that.

Anonymous said...

@#3...concentrate on what has been or NOT been done by the UWP in the four years they have been in office. Kenny Anthony is NOT the PM of St Lucia - at the moment.

Name one; only one, or half of one, substantial projects initiated and comes to to full completion by the present UWP government, please?

Kenny provided universal education for ALL St Lucians. Therefore, we now have "eyes" to see and understand.

Anonymous said...

tell Kenny to t way his toooo by the cannot. What an idiot. Instead of trying to win an election Kenny finds himself manufacturing stories. Why try all this papishow of fear and conspiracy? Only losers do them things.

Anonymous said...

Kenny and the SLP has the same leadership agenda and the same old ideas. These did not work the last time when SLP had the power to spearhead changes. Will they work now when so much water has gone under the bridge?

Kenny's best was not good enough then. Will it suddenly become better now that it remains unchanged?

SLP is following LPM. After LPM says national consultation on crime, SLP follows afterwards and says national symposium.

SLP promises legislation to reverse sales of the Queen's Chain, but only AFTER LPM had a broadcast that there is a need to change and improve the legislation on the Queen's Chain.

SLP has constituency meetings announcing their candidates for the that constituency. Lo and behold! The LPM has started the election campaign with public meetings showing the public the candidates for the constituencies.

Now, after this last LPM strategy, SLP is now saying that it is readying its election machine! SLP so far a close second. First out of the blocks is LPM.

Look at the pattern! SLP follows after the way has been pointed to them by the LPM. Way to go LPM!

mark laporte said...

Here is a little more thought to my earlier statement....see what you think about it.People lie; at least sometimes that, is lies are part of the people experience.Activities such as this article alludes to is simply technologically enhanced lies.It is attempting to obscure reality and create a synthetic reality,just like a liar tells a lie to attempt to create a different reality.telling lies has been developed into a very sophisticated tool to attempt to fool people and it is part of political strategy.The attempt to create a different reality to the one you normally be exposed to if matters took their own course can be call, by what I term, APPLIED DEMONISM. (I use the word demonism according to its contemporary usage,not according to what it once meant)It is an attempt by someone or organisation to own you thinking.Accordingly organisations and people who resort to such a ploy do not have our interest at heart.How important for us then to review our African roots vis a vis the above.If a political party were to resort to such a tactic....and I say IF then it shows their constitution is stark and bare and certainly reveals their desperation,and definitely do not have our interests at heart.
Does a people get the government it deserves ? Not necessarily,but a people can be fooled to get a government they don't deserve.
No man, no institution, especially those claiming to be some expert in intelligence and scientific wizardry,or who tout their book learning,ignoring what it means to be ST LUCIAN who have no connection to us to our soul and the soul of our African ancestors,can EVER tell us how to conduct our island affairs.
Be careful therefore how you hear and what you hear.As some writer wrote some time ago;it is time to turn off those ipods and internet,and radio and listen to ourselves and not someone or someones pretending to be ourslves.

Anonymous said...

SLP following LPM. That's true. yon aveg ka swiv yon aveg. Two blind mice, see how they run, they all running up the same greasy poll, they'll get their tails cut off with ti croix, have you ever seen such a foolish thing in your life?

Anonymous said...

Ti croix has become gros Croix: Drug baron in cabinet. Only King doh know who he is. One person murdered per week. A cabinet full of crooks. A minister running a literal grave yard. The island under King is a killing field like Pol Pot's Kmere Rouge moved from Asia to St. Lucia. Ministers lying under oath. Think of what they will do when you vote them into power.

Anonymous said...

I agree above...only in St Lucia you will find these types of unscrupulous people acting and representing the general public.

Last year, a minister from New Zealand overspent $70.00 on a bottle of wine OVER his allocated travel expense. He subsequently resigned, on the grounds of overspending and mis-using the taxpayers monies.

NOT HERE IN ST LUCIA; we have known drug baron, convicted criminal/jailbird, liars under oaths, sellers of private medical records, a truck drivers with no formal education, minister undervaluing imported luxury goods...all as Government minister...

Prime Minister King should get rid, if the poor man could, of these guys from his Cabinet. How can a convicted criminal, as foreign affairs minister, represent us, say in the US, where he was jailbird?

For the good of the country and for our future generation, King needs to do the honourable thing and get rid of all these undesirable people that he surrounds himself with.

Anonymous said...

its ashame that after four years people still talk about kenny

what has this present goverment done the last four years to enhace the quality of life for all st lucians.

After this hurricane there was lots of monies pour to st lucia,
Japan alone gave 18million plus other countries pour huge amunt for the devastation what has this goverment done with all the monies and aid to st lucia plus so many neglectfull areas where is the leadership

st lucia is being challenge aroun the caribbean and the world and we need quality leadership.
what will be your choice my fellow st lucians to give back fair helen what she deserve.
let us come this election do what is right and vote these good for nothing missleaders out

Anonymous said...

The world we live in are full of challeges we now leave in a technological world and we need persons of character,good credibility,and of good judgement
Fair helen deserves better

we need to look at the last four years and ask ouselves what has they done to enhance the quality of life for alland whether they deserve another five years,

let us stop dwelling on the past and look at the present and think of the future of all this young persons who are coming to the workforce

Is there a future for them who will be best.
Am calling on all st lucians to think and do what is right and for the interest of all and especially our generation of youg people who are coming up and at least lets make a wise decision for their future.

Anonymous said...

The world we live in are full of challeges we now leave in a technological world and we need persons of character,good credibility,and of good judgement
Fair helen deserves better

we need to look at the last four years and ask ouselves what has they done to enhance the quality of life for alland whether they deserve another five years,

let us stop dwelling on the past and look at the present and think of the future of all this young persons who are coming to the workforce

Is there a future for them who will be best.
Am calling on all st lucians to think and do what is right and for the interest of all and especially our generation of youg people who are coming up and at least lets make a wise decision for their future.

Anonymous said...

There is living and breathing drug baron in PM King's cabinet of ministers. The only person left on the island who does not know who that person is the prime minister himself.

This imported Vencie is Fredericks puppet. King appears to speak and Frederick is behind him making King's mouth move.

St. Lucia's government is puppet show. The only people laughing are the politicians and people living outside of country.

The poor people of St. Lucia are paying a huge price for having two Vincentian-born imports as their PM and two in a row at that. One may the way for the other. St. Lucians are such passive idiots!

Anonymous said...

You can see how Kenny haven't change. This picture of him is dated yet SLP still circulating it around. Why not one with his face drawn and pot belly bulging in front of him.This is he Kenny we know today not that young man in the picture.

Anonymous said...

@above, do not focus on an irrelevant photo, out-dated or not, or pot-belly (Stephenson King seems to be faring quite well in the pot-belly department too, Don't you think? Healthy grocery bills, unlike the rest).

Focus on who can bring home the bacon or pie so that EVERY poor St Lucia can have a little piece from it.

Focus on:

Job creation (7,000 were promised, not?); 50% crime reduction as per their manifesto or what they campaigned on, that got my vote in 2006. Let us focus on the shame that they have brought St Lucia to.

Let us focus on the younger generation. They should have leaders they could look up too. Are these the leaders you want our young and future population to emulate. People like: Rufus Bosquot, "that man" (makes me vomit to say his name, the drug one), Mondeisir, the two "Guys", one a complete fool; the other a super maroon, the one who lied under oath - any wonder our youths has ABSOLUTELY no respect!...and yes, Stephenson King himself...these are the leaders you want us to look up too, right!

The ONLY person from King's government who has the slightest hint of decency is Janine Compton.

Anonymous said...

Yes, UWP government ministers who:

1. Undervalued invoices for imported luxury goods
2. Minister who sold their patients' medical records
3. Minister who victimizes regular citizens at will
4. Minister who lied under oath
5. Drug baron minister
6. Minister without ANY formal education
7. Minister who took HIS government to court
8. Minister who aligns himself with drug people
9. A minister, when caught stealing from the consolidated funds, re. concession, government changed laws to accommodate him.

The above is what you want our young and future generation to emulate from the "Leaders"!!!

Anonymous said...

Forget about party here but answer this question;


Anonymous said...


Answer - NO

Anonymous said...

How can St lucians elect a group of men including their leader who are not qualified to find a decent job anywhere. A man whose only previous job before being elected was as a clerk as our PM.

Anonymous said...

Kenny and Tony have no shame! Are Kenny and Tony saying the SLP never brought in political strategists from outside the country to devise its campaign strategy? All of this huffing and puffing over something that the SLP has done before is disgraceful.

Anonymous said...

I wander what will the UWP base their campaign on? I wander what will they say to the St Lucian public. Nothing they promised us have been realized. Everything in the country is in a mess, the country development is stagnant, all they do is to waste our resources and steal from us, blame everybody for their incompetents etc, etc.


Tell me where else in the world would people repeatedly elect,a foreigner who:






This can only happen here. AS a conscious Saint Lucian. I look around and see the many good things Kenny has done,for the betterment of my country and refuse to let foreigner, who no longer exist determine my destiny.

Anonymous said...

Amen brother. you are amonst the ones who are not blind in St lucia.

Anonymous said...

The time is coming soon for us to banish this jerk called Kenny to the backyard. You'll won't have leg and mouth to talk when we send Kenny into retirement.

The writing is on the wall.

Anonymous said...

Garson Kenny is an old fart. Why you bothering yourself with a man who looks like loose jello. LOL

Anonymous said...

@ The two previous comments.
On your wall retard, wait and see. These comments about appearance will get you nowhere.

Anonymous said...

Election day KENNY all the way!

Anonymous said...

You and king will be sent back to SVG. Pray he give you shelter in the retirement home he promised the the people of canowan that he will build with our money. Do you remember?

Anonymous said...

Oh yea? Well try serving Kenny on a platter to see how slippery he might prove in the mouth. LOL

Jello? Where are you? LOL

Anonymous said...

I always read the Barbadian papers and especially the blogs.

Never, ever will bloggers direct any insults to one another or any member of government or the opposition. They blog most constructively - alas; not here in St Lucia. Maypwis this, maypwis that. Kenny this, King that...never will someone learned anything of value. All trying to see how low they can put one awfully sad.

Anonymous said...

No party member or follower who has a foreign-born person running for election come to my door. I will not be attending any of their meetings either. I have told my family that if I know that they allow any UWP near my place out they go.

Foreign-borns have ruined this country. Two in a row are two too many.

Now they passing on the PM position as if it is a family heirloom? Gosh these foreigner are bold! No born and bred St. Lucian should tolerate this UWP crap much longer! It's a downright shame!

Anonymous said...

Not only a shame, anonymous above, but an insult - a DOWNRIGHT INSULT; that have me thoroughly disgusted at the level they have brought St Lucia.

Anonymous said...

Where did the Bernards come from? Have u ask yourself about kenny'5 roots? King is a born and bread St Lucian and not foreign. Have u ask yourself why the SLP is waging a war against St Lucians who have lived abroad? Are they foreign too?

Anonymous said...


Corrections; your blog...

come from = came from

Kenny'5 = Kenny's (capital "K"; apostrophe "s", not 5)

Bread (a staple food) = breed (procreate)

etc, etc...super maron, try defending what CANNOT be defended. At least in your attempt, use proper tenses and correct grammer; do not butcher the Queen's language.

Anonymous said...

This discussion is not about the Bernard's. The point is Compton appointed his unqualified godson from his birthplace as PM. That is an insult to me as a Saint Lucian. What happen to to minister's in his cabinet are they not qualified? King is not Saint Lucian the certificate he is holding was given to him by Compton. Tell me did you attend Compton's memorial service? if not my advice is to get a copy and read between the lines. People like you are color blind and cannot see. I voted for compton many times knowing he was not Saint Lucian so wake up from your deep sleep.

Anonymous said...

Above, the reasoning here is not so much about where people come from, although i also find it an insult for us to call a man who was not born or who was so disrespectful to us for not even being buried here, father of our nation, and for them to try to put down a born and breed St Lucian who did so much for St lucia in terms of development, in such a short space of time.

Back to the point, if we pretend to love St Lucia, we would choose the best for the country. We are nearing an election, we have two main parties to choose from, there is a third but they cannot win any seats. We have one in office for 4 years now, from day one they have created confusion amongst themselves an the country, all development have stalled in the country, only the Taiwanese are doing a little scratching here and there, as if we elected the Taiwanese as our government, Chou is even heard on the media talking about policy for the country. There is scandals after scandals going on every day, ministers are being arrested by police. Ministers are being convicted by the court for stealing from government, projects are being contracted to friends, without any bidding, the PM and some of his ministers are semi literate, projects are being done without the public knowing the cost, there is nobody in government capable of advancing any policy to take the country forward, all they do is the same old backward things, such as placing some inferior concrete courts around the island. I could go on and on.

On the other hand we an opposition was in office for 9 year, they were not perfect as all parties are, because we could never find a perfect part anywhere around the world, they all will or has made make mistakes. During their time in office they development the country as never seen in the history of the country. All the candidates of the opposition are well qualified and capable to administer policies to advance the country. Everything that is modern or advance in the country today was done by the opposition. So anybody who love St Lucia, will choose the better of the two parties, any blind man will see the SLP is the better of the two parties.

Anonymous said...

No, I'm not foreign my parents, grandparents and great grandparents were all born here, as for the others they may have came from Africa and India. Moron's like you just not get it.

Anonymous said...

LPM has better candidates than the SLP. Their members have WORKING EXPERIENCE ABROAD.

Pushing paper at the Caricom Secretariat in backward Guyana does not amount to much. ALL THE MAJOR COMPANIES OF THE WORLD TODAY, are looking for people who have working experience abroad.

Most of party members in the UWP have only commonsense like the Vincentian PM, Guy Mayers, and Guy Joseph quintessential the negre mawon, as MP material.

SLP does better. But it has very far to go. They say that "If you know how to swim, it does not matter how deep the water is."

The very best programmes for development and growth so far, for the next election that I have seen and read, comes from the more internationally exposed party members who know how to swim. They have a consultant from Canada, a semi-retired Marketing Manager from the US, someone with a commercial banking background from the US, lecturer in international business and qualified in economics from the US, and teachers and business people from the US, plus lecturers from UWI. All of this depth and breadth of experience is right at the disposal of the LPM.

Anonymous said...

Lpm cannot win this election, maybe in the future. Voting Lpm is just like voting UWP, that's a chance I will not take.

Anonymous said...

Yes with all their abroad experience, you will prevent them from loosing their deposits. Abroad is so good, superior and has the best people, Why is the economy of the USA is so bad today?

Anonymous said...

These bias UWPees on this board use to say SLP was or is not ready if election is called. But now everybody know that it is the UWP who cannot even come up with a full slate of viable or good candidates who could win the next election. They are in a mess, just as they have the country.

Anonymous said...

The UWP are not in a mess. They are the mess. People elected mangeay kochun for a government. We paying for our stupidity, our ignorance, and our unwillingness to learn to pass on the rum and chicken.

Anonymous said...

De Launching hot de people calling for Dr PEP.

Anonymous said...

LPM is waiting. It has the superior programme of action to see St. Lucia rise out of the hell hole of Kenny's kennel, worse still, Frederick's garrison constituency and literal GRAVE YARD, and King's Killing Field, aka St. Lucia.

It is time to bury the entire UWP and put on the dung heap created by King and his master puppeteer Richard Frederick.

Anonymous said...

That's right Anon above. People should be carrying little coffins to the political meetings. Place the name of each of the UWP ministers in those hand-held coffins.

It is time to bury this criminal Ali Baba gang. It is time to carry placards saying UWP RIP.

Anonymous said...

Why some of us like to talk so much nonsense. What is the LM waiting for? Which superior programs the LPM has? What you fail to realize is, anybody can stay on the outside and convince us that they can make the world flat. The problem is to actually make it happen, i hope you can understand what i am saying.

Anonymous said...

Do not worry the UWP is already buried, they cannot fool us this time, we have learned.

Anonymous said...

God is not sleeping. When Tomas struck, both Kenny and King were out of the island.

Who was on the island with us?

Prudent, Alphonse, who is running for LPM in Soufriere and other LPMers were on the ground.

In fact, the LPM leadership was the first to make a mature statement on the state of affairs after Tomas. Where were Kenny and King?

This was a signal to all and sundry, that when and where it matters most, count on the LPM being there first.

LPM was on the island fighting, and fixing, while the support group was gathering items for the January containers to help St. Luians cope with the after effects of a storm like Tomas.

Yes. Some LPM people have not all completely cut off their ties with their outside businesses. They are traveling to St. Lucian from the US and Barbados still.

This really shows that the LPM candidates have broader work, life and international experience than pushing paper like Kenny did in Guyana, or driving a truck in St. Lucia like the moron Guy Joseph.

LPM is giving us hope that a better St. Lucia, bigger and brighter than what Kenny and the SLP can ever imagine, is there for the taking. But that is if St. Lucians can stop selling their birthright and votes for a drink of rum and a leg of chicken, as they have done so pitifully in the past.

I believe that reading what the has to say about so many of our problems and issues, the LPM is way ahead, and head and shoulders above what the SLP has to offer as a nation in the future.

Say what you will. For me, the way to go is LPM.

Anonymous said...

LPM is an arm of the UWP!!! Prudent is Frederick's BEST BUDDY!! A vote for LPM is a vote for UWP!!!! They are contemplating forming a coilition government LOOK OUT!!!!. UWP has seen the writing on the wall and have come to the realization that they will not return to office. So their best bet is to come together with the LPM and BRAVO Flambeau back in office

Anonymous said...


What am I talking about. They sell their votes for rum and chicken every chance they get. At that rate the UWP will form the next government.

Look out!!! Richard Fredericks with his garrison constituency called the Grave Yard, and indeed it is, they taking out one another, one every week, will be the next PM.

Anonymous said...

We need to do exactly what is going right now in Egypt - rise up against this INCOMPETENT UWP and his drug baron infested ministries.

ST LUCIA, RISE UP AGAINST KING, THE DRUG BARON, THE SELLER OF MEDICAL AND CONFIDENTIAL FILES, LIARS UNDER OATHS, THE TRUCK DRIVER, infact, we should ALL rise up against this pappyshow calling themselves a government.

Anonymous said...

You mean to tell me a party which is in office would let the opposition party be more organize than them? Everything around the ruling party is in confusion from day one. They cannot even provide with a full slate of candidates, about a year to go for elections. They should be in the lead, not following the opposition, just because they see the opposition launch a candidate, they want to follow with a launching. Who are their candidates for VF North, VF South? Even Dennery North is in lombo.

Anonymous said...

Whats about the PEASE and LOVE of Frederick in the Grave Yard? I think it turn to PIECES and KILLINGS.

Star said...


Anonymous said...

The word suppose to be Peace, thank you that was a typo era. everybody still got the message.