Tuesday, February 15, 2011




Anonymous said...

There is nothing appalling about the homicide rate in St Lucia. We continue to keep our heads in the sand bottoms up, expecting the problem will simply go away. Some of us are ignorant enough to believe that the police can solve the problem.When one suspected criminal is killed by the Police some of us jump and prance like cannibals getting ready to partake of some juicy human flesh. We sincerely believe that a cleansing of sorts will rid us of our crime problems. Right now in Saint Lucia we live by the vigilante code of ethics...every man is a law unto himself and that behavior seems quite acceptable. How then can crime ever end when we adhere to such philistine attitudes. It's a bitter pill for us to swallow but until we look inside our own backyards and change our attitudes,there will no end to this violence. As far as I see it each man is a potential criminal in his own right and we justify our behavior and our thinking with the excuse of "self protection." When will we awaken out of this slumber and realize that we all are responsible for the situation here in Saint Lucia? We would love to point fingers and play the role of Pilate...wash our hands and pretend that we are innocent, but in reality, we are our own greatest enemies. Yes, we may think it is only the "criminals" who are at fault, but it is all of us. We are so blinded by revenge that we no longer have any sense of reasoning. We have a Prime Minister who inadvertently challenges criminals to come to the fore and a Police Chief who goads them with his unworthy pronouncements. Then we, as a people sit in our living rooms and plan revenge strategies. When will we arise out of that slumber called ignorance? One criminal among any nation speaks volumes of the people as a whole. With 14 dead, we don't need science to tell us what is going on. We all are to blame, so we ought to quit moping and frothing at the mouth and fix the problem we created. yes, the truth is, the criminals we cry foul about are the very same monsters we ourselves created. Think about it!

Anonymous said...

To address many of these issues, the LPM maintains that an integrated approach with short- and medium- to long-term plans on three tracks is critical for success: prevention, prosecution, and protection.

Anonymous said...

If the Prime Minister and his government really cared about the youth of this country and about curbing crime and violence he would have used the 34 million spent on the Daher building, the five million secretly paid for Bay Walk security, and the 170,000 dollars a month now being paid for rent at the Bay Walk Mall, to create innovative programs and implement meaningful strategies that would seriously engage the unemployed and restless youth of this country.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous #2: the LPM's touted approach to solving crime in Saint Lucia is laughable. The party's candidate for one of the Micoud seats, the apparent spokesman on the issue of crime, is not clean.Does the party know of his now thirty three year old rape victim? She is ready and willing to talk. Why did he abruptly left the police force after the act and ran away to England? What other criminal acts?

de caibbean change said...

de carbbean change, BBA, MBA, CPA - For a country once regarded as the Helen of the West and the Cinderella of the Caribbean, it's a shame to see and hear what St Lucia has turned into, "the murder mecca of the caribbean". Enforce the death penalty, please.

Anonymous said...

With all there doctors in government,institutional bureaucracy and Lawyers in St.Lucia our country is still very sick.

We need to reform parliament to include a Citizen government that is less focus on partisan politice and more to the country's national interest.

Anonymous said...

If the murder rate continues at its present trend over 100 people will be murdered before the Year ends.
Enough is Enough!

Anonymous said...

It is nice to know that the likes of mate in that picture is dead.

Anonymous said...

What we do not wish to see is that St. Lucia has degenerated from top to bottom and it is not now one Government's fault but us all as a people.

We will only survive if we can find another John George Melvin Compton. True revolution and change comes with great leaders not from the masses as the communists tell us.

We need a true son or daughter or St. Lucia.

Someone courageous, with principles, intelligent ,concerned about St. Lucians and competent to get the best out of civil servants and who will lead by example and is not afraid to do what we need to do to make St. Lucia great again.

We all know who that person is but we fraid to face the truth or our personal agendas demand that we do not look in that direction!

Anonymous said...

I have been looking at this crime situation some time, but not surprised at what is going on here. The Head Quarters of the eastern caribbean judiciary is based here! it is the weak and ridiculous sentences that the judges pass and weak magistrates. The judicial and Legal Services Commission is more concerned with taking hash action of tough magistrates instead of criminals. I was shocked to over hear some judicial and legal Services staff unprofessionally talking about removing a Dominican magistrate. I decided to call my family to ask them about that magistrate only to hear that he was being attacked by lawyers, the Judicial and Legal Services Commission. He is very popular in dominica as he has completed three times as many cases as an other magistrate in dominica. the areas where he operates, he is there sometimes un till 10pm at night and most importantly, crime in his area has gone down drastically. He is being humiliated and desrespected by the government because they placed pressure on him to release cases involving the Prime minister of dominica's close associate, he refused and found him guilty. he organised a peace conference, involving the gun men and drug men of the north of dominica, the men came to a church with more than 750 people in wesley dominica to pledge peace- since then there has been no more shootings, no more arrest in that area- this is the kind of man we need here, but left to thses vindictive crooks and lawyers who make money from criminals will not give up until they run him out!

Anonymous said...

Its a shame that this goverment did not have a plan but their plan is to see to it that when they are fired they will be leaving with their pocket and barely full and to hell with the masses.
LPM on the other hand believe they have the answer Mr prudent what experience do you have in goverment as well as international affairs. Don't be fool we live in an era of internet,and mass comunication How are you so sure that you can lead st lucia in this quagmire cause by the same inexperience prime minister wouldn't you follow in his footsteps

Lucia First said...

"Constantine said that when it comes to homicides the job tends to become a little more challenging...all the homicides which are taking place are targeted killings."

Dear Constantine, maybe if you would concentrate on finding the source of these guns then finding the owners wouldn't be so challenging. Ask yourself, who is supplying the guns? How are they getting into the country? Are the suppliers being protected by those who have sworn to serve us. Too many trigger happy youths are flashing guns, to settle scores...it has become a trend. Don't believe for one moment that only getto youths are branding guns. Stop setreotyping and open your eyes.

Anonymous said...

the gov't can only do so much for targeted killings. The guy police killed for example it is rumored he was one of them involved in the drive by. It's very hard to stop gang/drug related violence. Trinidad with all their oil money can't stop it.

Anonymous said...

When the late Dame Eugenia Charles was in office and rastafarianism was menacing Dominica in the 70's she passed a law to give the authorities the right to "shoot on site". The thugs fell like birds from trees as the dominican police drug and defence force wiped the criminals out. We should institute that also.The police should shoot and ask questions after. But then again who are the suppliers of those guns? who in authority protects them?

Anonymous said...

Word is in that SSU/black squad are in the grave yard all in black with mask on their faces and raiding the whole area. They also just shot some one on grass street.

Anonymous said...

Zortte pah knee honterre? Lear Odlum fare Kenny ministar avec wesponsibilitay pour edeekacyion, Kee Kotay Kenney tay tuapay expayriance avant sah? Ou kar keetay fess ou pour paytay, ehpee ou seemiay paytay avec gell ou?

Anonymous said...

If Prime Minister Stephenson King can quell the violence over the next 6 months and the citizens of St. Lucia actually see and feel the results then a Kenny Anthony return is finished.

Anthony proved to be a useless administrator, a spendthrift liberal, a creator of animosity among St. Lucians and completely incapable of curbing lawlessness.

It was under Dr. Anthony that the murder rate tripled and law and order went out of control.

If the murder rate is lowered and the police appear to have some contol over events then Stephenson King would have done more than Anthony did in 9 years of inmcompetence.

Anonymous said...

Why is it that some silly persons tend to bash mr anthony when he is not the leader of st lucia.
Why not ask mr King and his administration of their stewardship for the last four years,Its ashame what some invovle in instead of trying to educate people to make the right decision for the future of simply beautifull.
Now you put Mr Anthony, Mr king, Mr Prudent,and which one can best represent st lucia [home Affairs And International Affairs.
You be the judge and think positivenot for yourself but st lucia at large.

Anonymous said...

Crime can be ended overnight and peace can be established without ONE shot being fired. The problem is the War on Drugs itself. There can NEVER, EVER be peace and prosperity in a nation as long as a tyrannical government wages war against its own people and its own economy. I HAVE read the St. Lucian Constitution, and I haven't seen anywhere where the government is authorized to tell its citizens what they can and cannot put into their own bodies. To the contrary, the government's primary duty is to protect its citizens' right to privacy and individual liberties. End the War on Drugs now.

Anonymous said...

Take out more like mate up there.