Thursday, February 3, 2011

Released Bordelais inmate speaks out



Anonymous said...

Is the facility designed to be a hotel?

Anonymous said...

Very poor writing skills.

Anonymous said...

Well then he should have been a model citizen and obey the laws of the land; if he had, he would not have landed in Jail.

What he expected, dis-obeyed the law and being treated as an equal or as king? Why did the Voice even permitted that trash to be published?

Anonymous said...

Holy crap! It is a correctional facility for crying out loud! It is not a palace. He wanted to be coddled too?

Anonymous said...

The gall of this jailbird!! Sheer nerve!!

Anonymous said...

Well although it is named"The Bordelais CORRECTIONAL facility, there is nothing correctional about the place. A place meant to house 500 inmates; 498 were transfered on the opening of the facility!! What a calamity!!!. That prisoner should thank his lucky stars that he is out and commence a program of educating the young on how they should make every effort to ensure that they do not land themselves in that place.

Anonymous said...

Is this guy for real?

Anonymous said...

When i tell you these fellows love jail, some people want to tell me no! If i ever go to jail i will be so ashamed, i will not want people to know that, much less advertising myself on the paper. I blame the authorities for that, they do not give these fellows enough jail time. Imagine i heard the news tonight they arrested a guy for breaking and entering many houses in Choiseul, they only gave him only 6 months each on 4 charges. That is 2 years for breaking 4 houses. For every 6 months you serve only 4 months, so 2 years you serve only 18 months. The time automatically take off is 1/3 called remission. If they had given that fellow some good jail time he would have hated it so much he would never want even want to hear about jail, must less talking about it. That is why the jail is so filled with with the same guys coming back again and again.

Anonymous said...

there is a simple solution to these conditions ........ just follow the law and u'll be fine

Anonymous said...

He has a point inparts of it!