Thursday, March 29, 2012

PM and Minister for Agriculture meet V-Fort Fishers



Anonymous said...

Why can't the cooperative with government's assistance create a limited liability company to become the main supplier of most replaced engine parts? Go to the overseas source(s) if you have to do so. The large companies have seen the value of cooperating to compete.

By aggregating the atomistic or individual demands of the various fisherfolk, a niche market for sustainable income can be established for the newly-created company.

The fishing cooperative can get into a strategic alliance with this new business for it to become the sole supplier for the members of the cooperative.

The Fisheries Division should shepherd this through the first few stages of development (paperwork, legal advice, registration, AGMs, temporary office space and office equipment, etc).

This would be a very useful demonstration of growth through a vertical (backward) linkage.

Anonymous said...

St. Lucians doh want to get off their backsides to do anything for themselves. They want to provide even the toilet and do the rest for them. Wait there!