Friday, March 15, 2013

From the Archdiocese of Castries On the election of a new Pope


Anonymous said...

Bobby Rivas, now you guys will have to straighten up, cut the bull and start doing what is expected of you all. Preach the word, feed the poor, heal the sick and comfort the old and lonely souls. This masquerading around with all that head gear and garments mean nothing. The judge is looking down on us all, especially those who claim to be men of the cloth. You are not stupid, you know what I'm talking about. Give your flock a proper Baptism as per scripture specifies. Your form of Communion is blasphemous, and you know it. If you were to decide to work according to scriptual principals, GOD WOULD SAVE YOU.
As of now, you need salvation.

Anonymous said...

2 much bulling in de first place.