Saturday, March 2, 2013

Tolerated Leadership – A popular leadership style in Saint Lucia?


Anonymous said...

The word 'leader' relates to a person having been given or having accepted a position or a title -- even that which is given willy-nilly.

'Leadership' which is different and quite distinct from the word 'management' is behaviour (a skill set) that is either PRESENT or ABSENT, that is supposed to emerge or is expected from a person upon whom the title is either: (a) thrusted upon, (b)fought for, or (c) grabbed opportunistically.

Leader is titular; leadership is behaviour.

One must NEVER ever assume that the assumption of a title, ipso facto, automatically (a) creates, (b) informs, or (c) conveys the necessary or expected leadership behaviours.

Anonymous said...

I think we are spending to much time thinking about leadership and not enough thinking about why people follow.

If we can focus on changing the reasons people follow others, we might get better leadership.

Anonymous said...

Saint Lucians are NOT self-driven people with much of what you might call individualism, i.e., neither the belief in, nor a cultural practice of taking responsibility and charge of your life.

Saint Lucians do NOT believe that they can control much in their lives. Everything is out of their control if their party is not in power.

So, they stick to their political tribes or parties and follow without question what their party bosses say. And it does NOT matter one frigging bit whether or not those bosses are even dumber than they are or have anything to offer other than read speeches prepared by a self-serving public service.

Take for example, the farce that is called the Throne Speech. Do we have a Queen of Saint Lucia?

If only the followers of the stupid party bosses were proactive people who believed that everyone had a fair share and break or opportunity to make it in the society, on their own steam, would a focus on the individual followers could ever be justified.

Only enlightened leadership can save Saint Lucia now. But with a focus of just winning the next election as the major project for both party leaders, you will still have to hope for new leadership to even come to exect a change in anything. So we continue to go through the motions.

Anonymous said...

Enlightened leadership, you say? Where? In Saint Lucia? You must be kidding. Nobody comes close or has ever shown any type. Dream on!