Tuesday, September 3, 2013



Mark Laporte said...

Kenny shows a pragmatic approach to the regions economics that would make Sir John Compton proud.However it looks like the neo-UWP is about to become an anachronism even before it's started.Communist? Bygone eras.Are we to believe that St.Lucia's national policies are to be appendages of us foreign or domestic policy? I hardly ever comment on political matters because of politics' inherently caustic nature,but when the aspiring prime minister makes statements stating that we are abandoning our friends.It's not about friendship,or ideals. Ask Jimmy Carter.....Jesus!! I am an american and i love my adopted country,but am also a Lucian and the reality is that the era of American economic,cultural,international,dom-estic,religious etc dominance is over.That's the reality.It is economically,socially and contemporaenously correct and PRAGMATIC for our local and regional leaders to be proactive vis-a vis the coming economic conditions led by China and the south,hence ALBA et al.Kenny does the right thing;so do a lot of the other caribbean leaders.Now i speak as an American: What makes the UWP aspiring leadership believe that my adopted country needs your help or needs your friendship regionally or internationally?

Anonymous said...

It would be comical if it were not so dangerous when you hear the wanna be Che going by the name of Alva Baptise spewing so much hate and war mongering against Allan Chastanet.

This failure of a foreign minister, costing the people of this country £250,000 + annually, is so desperate to retain his flow of dollars to his pocket that he has reverted to his previous histronics as when he used to mimic the sonerous voice of his one time mentor Geogre Odlum.

If he were alive Odlum would have quickly ecognized Alva Baptiste for the party hack and liberal/socialist singing for his supper and living off of the blood sweat and VAT of the people of our lovely country.

He now looks and sounds like an Idi Amin akin to his boss' Mugabe persona.

But be afraid St. Lucia. The Alva's of this world have one objective and it is to retain power and keep on living off of the people for as long as possible. Having tasted the fruits of the labor of St. Lucians he is not about to let go - he sweats at nights fretting about the loss of this windfall.

Between him and the clown at the UN and the opportunist in London this country is paying over $1.5 million annually to keep them in the good times. That will be $7.5 million by 2016.

What do we have to show for it? An occasional photo op in his plush office with some foreign functionary that brings nothing to St. Lucia ! The spewing of hatred at the UWP and Chastanet at every little part gathering of the hacks in some part of St. Lucia every weekend.

Interspersed with that is $2,500 airline flights every two weeks along with $400/day per diems to meetings where Alva accomplishes nothing that we can identify except for his accumulation of wealth on the backs of unemployed and destitute St. Lucians !

But they read the tea leaves badly. With the syncophants around them they think all is fine but every Cabinet meeting when they see how bare is the coffers they have an inkling that not is all well. Kenny keeps them in check with his Jeckyl and Hyde persona making them think that all can be contained but he knows otherwise. The people are near their boiling point.

The person on this blog who says Kenny is running out of ideas is wrong - he never had any to begin with. After 12 years in power he is still trying to do in year 13 what he failed to do in year 1. There are no IDEAS because his only agenda like Alva has been the accumulation of his power and wealth - which he has done very successfully.

I think that there is soon to be a tectonic shift in the tactics of the SLP. They are desperate. The 3rd world, strong arm tactics will soon begin as they can no longer borrow and lie and mismanage without electoral consequences. Be very afraid St. Lucia.

Anonymous said...

Kenny is an inveterate liar. It comes naturally to him in all its various guises.

In this case he wants desperately to let St. Lucians' forget the billions of debt he has saddled St. Lucians with and the horror it is causing including the desperate need for VAT so he can pay his huge salary and that of his cohorts in government.

He does not want us to think about the fact that ALBA is merely another source of debt with which to saddle future generations.

He and the SLP want to blame the killings in 2011 on the UWP. He forgets that during his tenure from 1997 -2006 that over 350 murders occured and St. Lucian society became more vicious and unsafe for us all. The illdesciplined approach of his government in conducting its affairs plus their freeness mentality contributed to a country that became unsafe and destructive. Citizens saw the reckless borowing of money the poor behaviour of the government : NCA, Grynsburg, cost overruns as the government borrowed like madmen and wasted money without any results.

Now we are paying the price and he desperately wants citizens to concentrate on anything but his government's and party's contribution to the horrors in St. Lucia.

Anonymous said...

Kenny should introduce a LUXURY TAX on all income(incl.benefits) over 7000.-$ / erase all duty free concessions / and lower VAT with this savings.

Anonymous said...

An excellent viewpoint, above.

I bet you dollars to doughnuts the chirpings around town would be different. Not?

Anonymous said...

You mean the Embassy had to tell Kenny that it is his reponsiblity to clean things. Isn't that what the LPM and them told him last week?

Anonymous said...

Kenny Anthony is truly a very deceptive and dangerous individual.

This man forgets that there are persons at the United States Embassy in Barbados; who observed him for the
wretch ( for want of a better word) that he is.

There is a very accurate article in the STAR Newspaper citing the comments of a United States Ambassador about Kenny Anthony. And she was dead on target. As some of us know about the deception and connivance and mean-spirited person that rat is.

Anonymous said...

Mark Laporte was always a bloody idiot and appears to have remained as such; after all those fifty-plus years.

Anonymous said...

1. Wearing a red shirt, like they do in the parades on Red Square in Russia and the former Soviet Union,

2. Naively making absolutely useless noises about strong ties to a dying commie regime that is Cuba, made to coincide with the regional Trinidad meeting,

3. Snubbing the US Vice President at that regional Trinidad meeting, by sending your deputy instead, and

4. Joining ALBA, a political, if not military grouping, organized and designed to be apposed to US foreign policy/trade interests in the LA region, that counters, the now dead on arrival, the US-led FTAA (Free Trade Area of the Americas, proposed as the extension of the US-Canada-Mexico trade alliance, NAFTA -- North American Free Trade Agreement)

And they want us to swallow the hogwash that ALBA is not the straw that broke the camel's back?

You do not have to love the equally idiotic UWP leader so-called, to see the amount of crap that is hitting the fans, with such all-round and mindless political theatre.

Anonymous said...

Kenny in all his arrogance has never had any respect for the USA or the UK. His lack of respect is the same strain that made him mistreat the Taiwanese in such a horrible manner until recently - when he recognized this was the only source of 'free' money.

His arrogant and narcisststic nature cannot bare to have to play second fiddle to anyone - not even the USA or any other major power.

As a result he has never understood them or learnt how to play the diplomatic game to benefit St Lucians. His and the SLP's foreign policy is a sham and produces nothing for our country.

This is why in the Wikileaks documents he is cited by the American ambassador in Barbados as a foolish ignorant 3rd World clown posturing on his little stage.

Kenny's idea of diplomacy is him flopping around the tarmacs of despotic police states and receiving shiny medals from them to pin on his ample belly. He is in retrospect a very unserious incompetent.

Worst still now is that the diplomatic corp is now made up of 1st class primitive poseurs like Alva Baptiste and expensive doormats like Rambally in New York. Neither have the class or poise or
presence or agenda necessary to benefit St Lucia.

Alva is a Idi Amin clown posing as

The last time we saw Menissa posing with the representative of another nation her gut was busting out of her clothes, her hair a mess
looking like a North Korean secretary who had wondered confused across the Demilitarized Zone. What an expensive mistake costing us $ 1/2 million annually.

The SLP treat governance and power as a welfare recipient treats the US govt in Detroit - it is about filling their pockets to the detriment of the citizens of the country.

mark laporte said...

Hey Anonymous I take your idiot comment as a complement.Thanks pal :)But let us see what time says....what's coming will not take fifty years.:)

Anonymous said...

have you heard the saying,"who pays the piper,calls the tune"
Are you aware that that 65% of tourist arrivals come from the US?
Are you aware that one travel advisory from the US regarding Americans travelling to ST.lucia can bring the country to its knees.
Maybe,you have been away from St.lucia for too long or you are simply uninformed.
Anyway list two right things Kenny Anthony has done for st.lucians.

Anonymous said...

The ALBA-tross now placed around our necks and not ALBA is the issue. Indeed. Our grown-up little child politicians have yet to show the expected maturity that comes with age and grey hair.

Anonymous said...

its so ashame that the uwpees are finding all kind of fault when they was in power for 5 years and regional as well as international st lucia was in need of leadership. what do we want, to go back to those days of complaining and murmuring when only a select few was getting bye, when the uwpees getting all the contract and hiring our young people and paying them peanuts.
I would like to know where the leader stand on issues regionally and internationally, What are his stance on the way forward for st lucia, Let our media and journalist start putting these out so our people will stop writing foolishness and understand what is at stake Regionally and Internationally.

Anonymous said...

That so-called leader was trained for North America and England. He cyan speak creole. He hardly understands it. He knows some marketing. And as you can see it did not help Air Jamaica. Marketing is cultural. What might work in the textbooks for up north does not work culturally in CARICOM. He is full of talk. Yet most of it and practically all of it is for gaining power. It is about the party. It is very clear that he is without any knowledge of parliamentary government or government itself, and even knows less about economics. So mate is just another of our many square pegs in a very wrong hole.

Go and mind your father's business. You are still wet behind the ears. Go on. You might learn a thing or two little one, instead of going about picking fights like in Soufriere on the bridge.

Anonymous said...

Blogger no 2 why don't you go and disinfect your mouth with the crap you wrote there.

Anonymous said...

Those who have worked with Kenny Anthony know all too well; that Kenny has NO RESPECT NOR ANY REGARD for the United States, or its allies such as the UK and Canada. That's known.

Anonymous said...

Blogger #2 must really be telling the truth for these bums to be attacking mate so !

Anonymous said...

That Laporte name at school was synonymous with foolishness. Is this the same person?