Saturday, February 8, 2014

Burdensome debt and elusive solutions


Anonymous said...

You are out of your league up there old chap. You, like most blokes do not have solutions. All at sea, you do not even seem to have a clue about what you are groping with, even on first principles. Blah. Blah. Blah. You make me laugh. You are indeed very, very funny.

Anonymous said...

At 7:07? you want solutions? Try earning more than you spend. Try cutting back on overseas embassies and 'jobs for the boys' which you can't afford. try and establish institutions which stamp out the corruption on both sides. Time is running out and no one understands what is going on.

The world is undergoing a technological revolution which is carving out huge amounts of old industries. The developed countries are struggling with it so the Caribbean has no chance. We are past the industrial age, and few people in st lucia will be able to compete. The best you can hope for is to renew the agricultural sector so that no one starves and maybe export a few higher end goods. Try not to kill the tourists that bring you precious FX reserves. Educate the population to be less ignorant.

Anonymous said...

I might go a step further:
Spend only what you have and stop borrowing.
And if you dont have stay without
For the biggest budget cost the civil servants make a haircut in the salaries or send some home.
Other country do this too.

Anonymous said...

@ 7:07 AM, very funny indeed. A useless missive.