Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Dr.Gale Rigobert to hold another major town hall


Anonymous said...

COME OUT TO MEET oddjob from the movie "doctor no"

Son-of-man said...

Black History Month

The Middle Passage NEVER AGAIN!

Being on board a slave ship was a dastardly experience, there you were forcibly stripped bare naked , and with you were your father and mother, your friends and family all berated together on the same vessel of madness. Humiliation became a great component to the active psychology of enslavement, for example the Mandingo (which were the big strong black male warrior's) were being felt up (whites men were feeling their penises) by the oppressors who for some odd reason was fascinated by the black warrior's male organ, it was also recognized among the white slave masters that these black men had severed the foreskin of their penises (circumcision) which was a strange and new phenomenon to them. Meanwhile black women were being raped by them as an experiment, to experience something contrastive and it was an immediate way to denigrate the entire race.

Son-of-man said...


Perhaps the most loathsome Sambo in the history of Lucia, a country rich in the history of African Rebellion against Oppression and Slavery, is the reptile Peter Stheno Josie, a sister to Medusa Rigobert, who in an incestuous romance, extols the beauty of the bald-headed transvestite as the standard of admiration, making reference to her “Full lips”.

One of the common traits of the Mis-educated Negro is to mimic his/her White deities. Most Caucasians have thin and very unattractive lips, therefore to compensate for this deficiency many would paint their lips RED to create the illusion they had something there, while calling the luscious lips of the Black Prince and Princess ugly.

The conscious Black Woman understanding these dynamics stopped painting their lips blood-red, substituting less aggressive shades of color in their lipsticks.

The mis-educated Negress like this Bald-headed Medusa, while trying to transform from her self-hating ethnicity to Caucasian(removing her skin), threw away/ discarded her beautiful Nappy hair, bleached her skin, and painted her lips with blood, and thereby increased their dimensions exponentially. So when one beholds Medusa, her face is a gargantuan pair of lips dripping with the blood of the victims she has ravaged and digested.

Medusa can be seen hiding behind the LIPS, in the link below, sneering at he potential victims taking aim at Richard Fredrick, the only dignified African in the den of Pit Vipers, who Medusa hopes to turn into stone as soon as the Snakes are allowed to reappear on her head, when she will take control of the State's assets and Chastanet will buy the Pitons and Sulphur Springs.



Anonymous said...

SON OF MAN.You and Pat Brown should team up to write a book about the history of africans and the slave trade and what transpired in St.Lucia from the plantocracy days to present day.This book would serve a better purpose than the disjointed and in many instances incoherent pieces of writing you dish out on a weekly basis.
Put your writing skills to good use.

Anonymous said...


You don't get it. SoM must write the way he does, every day every week, every month, BECAUSE he is on the payroll to do just that.

The fight to reelect their paymaster started the moment Chastanet was made leader of the UWP. In other words, the election campaign has begun.

It is going to be interesting, for a nation that depends entirely on hand outs from two Asian countries, heavy Taxation on the poor, and borrowing of tens of millions of Dollars.

So their defense is to get personal, insulting, dirty like the only way they know how. Better days ahead? really.

Son-of-man said...


Thanks 11:44 for the kind compliments, but applying your pettifoggery to obtaining Reparation for the descendants of enslaved Africans seem a better idea.

Well I have to admit, I never imagined the Nefarious characteristics of the Lucian Politician and their minions would have resided in a deeper level of Hell. I have called these Monsters, Ghouls, Satan, Lucifer, and worse, but I now realize that if ever gold was represented in its purest form as Au, then Peter Josie and Rick Wayne must be represented as the element by Ev; PURE EVIL.

The Narcissist Ev. Wayne, and the Ev. Peter Josie indulged in a diabolical form of, “Bait and Switch” information – while these evil minions of the Neo-colonialist Chastanet kept us distracted with their self-aggrandizing litany of praises to Chastanet's UWP, the Mobsters known as the Guy Joseph Brothers were Robbing Lucians blind.

Three brothers of UWP MP Guy Joseph received over $700,000 in immediate clean up works post hurricane Tomas and at least $2.7 million in restoration works, in addition to $47,000 to clear a shed at the George F. L. Charles Airport for upgrade of terminal, work that allegedly never took place.

What kind of Police Department, and office of Prosecution exist in Lucia, that these Criminals have not been arrested? Even when accusations accompanied with evidence is produced in the very seat of Government by the Hon. Richard Frederick?

It is self-evident that the only way to activate the Justice System of Lucia into performing, is to Rape or Kill a Caucasian??


Son-of-man said...


11:44 Here's some more Black History Month

The Middle Passage NEVER AGAIN!

“Once aboard the ships the blacks would be packed below deck. Captains of slave ships were known as either "loose packers" or "tight packers", depending upon how many slaves they crammed into the space they had. Most ships, especially those of the later 18th century, were "tight packers", carrying a huge quantity of the enslaved who were often forced to lie in spaces smaller than that of a grave, or in some cases stacked spoon-fashion on top of one another.

Regardless, life for a slave in the "tween decks", as they were called, was extremely uncomfortable. In addition to extreme overcrowding, there was also inadequate ventilation, not to mention little or no sanitation. Although some captains would have their crew periodically clean the "tween decks" with hot vinegar, most chose rather to leave them alone, resulting in their atrociously unclean condition. In addition to disease and suffocation below deck, it would not be uncommon to find the body of a slave completely covered by lice.
