Thursday, February 13, 2014

Nina is The Real Top Chef!


Anonymous said...

Earl in this article you have presented yourself like a real jammet. It looks like you are willing now to say anything to make a living. It was you who never had anything good to say about Nina's Dad. You vilified him, day and night, in your rag tag newspaper. You cursed him and considered him a devil and, well, my imagination tells me what else you probably did or tried to do to him. But, today, for political expediency, you want us believe that you love his daughter. Can't you not see that she thinks and looks so much like her father. So attempting to write good things now about him or his daughter is still garbage in my book. This alone will not wash out your sins. Stay with your conscience as it is... and simply go to hell!!

Anonymous said...

Indeed Earl, there is so much to talk about in St. Lucia but you have taken upon yourself to talk about the Papa's daughter.
Earl, stop being a suck and stop kissing up to the man who, sooner or later, will pack up and head to T & T with his wife to practice Law.
Enough damage have been done and the people are sick with the same ol' same ol'
The romance with your beloved 'Party' is fading fast and politics in St.Lucia is on it's death bed. Find something else to do for a living.

Anonymous said...

Named after the island where he was born? How many foreigners do Saint Lucians wish to worship as Gods?

Anonymous said...

2:43 Look. Saint Lucian people have no bloody sense of nationalism. They are accursed.

That is why they revel in the subtle insults poured on them, while people tied to the colonial roots abuse them in each and every way, left, right, and centre. Only dumb people go through their entire lives living like this.

Anonymous said...

Sometimes we have to show our patriotism in our works and deeds. That means putting party and self on the sidelines and making country the center piece. I am satisfied that Earl has done just that. Wish there were more Earls out there.

Anonymous said...

For the 4 previous comments, Earl is free to disagree with her father at any point. He is free to respect her achievements like he has done. He is free to be proud of her. It has nothing to do with her dad. Nina Compton made St. Lucia proud. There was no "uwp" or "slp", the nation rallied around her as a St. Lucian! And if one fails to understand this basic premise, then he or she is a moron like those 4 !!

Anonymous said...

The brightest and the best will leave. The rest can wallow in their own doo-doo, as usual.

Anonymous said...

Saint Lucians are really dumb. No wonder this country is run by so many dumb asses past and present.

Anonymous said...

@11:08 AM, no. Just too naïve to ever come to terms with subtlety. Don't ever forget that for Saint Lucians, Nobel prize in English Literature and all that, English is still a second language.

Some of our supposedly brilliant want our schoolchildren to even LEARN, yes, even learn patois, in order to, and BEFORE learning English! This makes perfectly good sense to our very estranged from reality, Ivory Tower morons!

Anonymous said...

A miss is as good as a mile.

Anonymous said...

A miss is as good as a mile.