Tuesday, February 18, 2014



Anonymous said...

Now, get the interview!

Anonymous said...

who de hell care!
mate never buy me a 1/2 nip of bounty, gason.

Anonymous said...

Very well done Mr Hinkson. Enjoy your retirement.

Anonymous said...

I have no respect for any banker. They use a little of the money of the depositors, as well as borrowing cheap from the central bank who creates money out of thin air. Banks can create 9x new money by the computer on a deposit of 10%. So if the bank has 10,000 and you want a mortgage of 100,000 they just create it with the computer. Also when you deposit money in a bank it is not yours anymore, as you lend it to them. Before 1971 many currencies were backed by gold. Not anymore.
In St. Lucia there is no deposit insurance. If the bank
goes belly up, your money is gone. This applies for
all banks on our island, including our Canadian banks.

Anonymous said...

These are the things not known by the clueless citizens.

All over the world bankers in collusion with governments are stealing hundreds of billions and paying themselves tens of billions. They then set aside a few billion to pay off regulators when they get caught.
We the citizens get screwed in the middle with VAT and other taxes plus are saddled with billions in debt while 'the rich get richer and the poor get poorer' since the advent of the modern liberal only looking after their power and pay.
Whether the politicians or high ranking civil servants, crony capitalists or bankers we are being hit by these moochers.

Anonymous said...

@ 5.21 "We the citizens get screwed in the middle with VAT and other taxes plus are saddled with billions in debt while 'the rich get richer and the poor get poorer'"

So nothing at all to do with politicians making promises they can't keep or throwing someone elses money around like a drunken sailor!

You doth protest!