Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Saint Lucia upbeat at Caribbean Marketplace



Anonymous said...

The mess that passes as a Government in St. Lucia, and the parallel other mess, called the Civil Service, has, as its standard operating practice, the blind leading the blind-folded, therefore, they are all falling in the ditch.

You can take a pig, put lipstick on its snout, and call it Lucille, it is still a pig. Queek Quak.

Anonymous said...

Where is all that revenue Chastanet claims to have accrued to St. Lucia gone? To the supermarkets? the taxi-dtivers, the hotel maids and receptionist. Because all Lucians crying out, no money, no money, they can't take care of the families. In whose pockets all this money Chastanet talking about, going? Lucian wants to know. Inquiring minds want to know.