Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Post mortem Tuesday for the Five Killed by Police



Anonymous said...

Praise to the Police!!! I applaud your efforts. Continue the good work!!

Anonymous said...

I donot understand why the killing of anyone should be praised.I am against crimes whether committed by police or civilians.I understand that the young men were about to burglarize an establishment but I believe arresting them would have been more fruitful and would have prevented the backlash from the public which will follow the police when an inquest determines that the killings could have been prevented.

Killing "dem" is surely not the answer to solving crime and if this is the government's way of tacking the issues (according to Minister Rufus....other countries are now consulting St Lucia on how to combat gang violence),then we are in for a rude awaking.

to ensure the young people of this country do not engage in questionable activities, the government need to put in place the necessary mechanism and initiatives to deter youth from getting involved in violence."its the economy....stupid".According to the PM during his last budget,we recorded 4.4% growth....question";

how many persons can say they saw/experienced that growth

are we better off without these young men in society especially when some of them leave behind children? Who will care for these children....the state?

do we really want to risk the reputation of our country with the brand of "ordered to kill" police squad?

I know many will pounce on my disagreement with the killings of these young men, but then so be it go ahead lash at me.I just believe that more can be done by those we put over us to effectively deal with the issue of crime and violence.

Anonymous said...

My God! Statistically speaking, if the population is basically a young one with a large majority under 40 years old. If there is a great deal of crime, of course most of those will be done by young people. It figures. Older people are generally more mature and stable than young ones with nothing to lose. Sorry. They can lose their lives now.