Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Sandals Grande under siege?



Alexis Felix said...

We seem to be faced with several issues here:(1)harassment of tourists(2)ownership of the beach/Queens Chain(3)use of the beach by undesired individuals (4)lack of proper signs/notices relative to harassment of tourists (5) lack of strict/tough security personnel (6) tourists feeling of being cheated for Hotel (5 star) not providing service promised.
A proper forum is needed for all to express views on these issues

Anonymous said...

Oh please! Anywhere in the world that you go there are going to be locaks trying to make their living by selling you stuff. Stop complaining it's part of the culture. The beach is for everyone . If you don't want the goods just say no. This sounds like a whole bunch of racist , ignorant behaviour from people who want to come to the island but want don't want to mix with the locals. Just say NO if you don't want anything. It's not rocket science!

Anonymous said...

I guess you have not travelled much ... the most irritating thing for any visitor anywhere is being harassed to purchase goods and to add insult to injury , abused if one indicates that they are not interested in purchasing.....the worst experience I had was in Haiti when I drifted away from a group of people and went to a small market like place ... I was immediately covered by vendors pushing their wares in my face as I clutched desperately to my pocket book .... I was finally rescued by some security personnel who were assigned with the group and who did not noticed that I had slipped away until it was brought to their attention...I am sure the Haitians meant well and were only trying to make a living ....but it really should not have been at the expense of my rights...in the final analysis I was not motivated to purchase anything ..I COULD NOT GET AWAY FAST ENOUGH!!!! SO WHO LOST??