Tuesday, September 3, 2013

You-Man Rights & I-Man Rights


Anonymous said...

We are also forgeting something else.

In destroying the Judeo Christian ethos that made the Western World great the liberals on the USA and Europe have also been pushing homosexuality as one of their client group activities and anti Christian moves.

Do not be surprised if behind closed doors one of the main 'human rights' the leftist Obama Administration is pushing is for homosexual unions to be ligalized including homosexual faux marriage.

The perverted homosexual activists are probable behind this big time and that is why there isso much pressure to destroy us.

Anonymous said...

I have commented, though critically, of your views on the state of affairs in the past but this article of yours is very insightful. Let us forget about the United States for the time being and concentrate on the way we dispense justice in St. Lucia. For too long those in authority would like to be seen as demi-gods. Many of them are hypersensitive and do not like to entertain opposing views. In spite of this , we have to engage our leaders, we cannot simply shake our fists at the heavens in anger. We must understand that leadership should be a function not a position of esteem. The government has a fiduciary duty to safeguard the citizenry not to violate its constitutional rights. This can be attained only when everyone is equal under the law. We as a people should not remain passive and act only when the Americans tell us to do so. We must always hold our elected officials accountable and demand justice irrespective of our political affiliations. When we can achieve those goals our human rights will be finally respected. We cannot let our constitutional rights be eroded and injustice go unchallenged. Wrongful acts cannot be wiped away like a footprint in the sand; it must be corrected and punished if necessary.

Anonymous said...

Made to look like a human rights issue, notwithstanding the excesses under the goons headed by the drug baron within the cabinet with enforcers with some sections of the constabulary, it is not at all Kenny's doing. In fact, some of the dead were summarily executed in broad daylight on the streets of Castries.

Some of the dead had contracts on their heads, which was information known to those operating with government and police cover.