Tuesday, September 15, 2009




Anonymous said...

Why would you sympathize and support a dead tyrant? Good riddance and I can't wait for the others to go as well.

Free my Cuban brothers and sisters, slavery is over.

I have no sympathy to those who enslave the minds and bodies of others. Hope it's hot enough for you down there.

Anonymous said...

Free your cuban brothers from what? Don't you think your mind and body is more enslaved than the cubans? The imperialist propaganda under the guise of freedom and human rights have you drunk with ignorance. The tyrant is your material god to the north who's only interest is try and dominate a people for its own self interest. The same bastards destroy our banana industry to support their multinational greed and now have our people killing each other for basic survival through drugs and criminal activity. They will give you guns to fight drugs but they will never give you money to educate your people. Igorance is the greatest threat to eradicating poverty. "the fundamental cure for poverty is not money but knowledge" Sir Arthur Lewis.So please stop spewing your ideological gabbage and have a sense of history of cuba and not the propaganda gabbage you are being fed by those in the north. You want better for the cubans turn your venom on those to their north you hypocrite. You beleive they give a damn about you in St.Lucia?

Anonymous said...

Caribbean News Net

Letter: Enchantment with Fidel Castro?

Published on Wednesday, September 2
Dear Sir:

I am baffled at Caribbean political and opinion leaders enchantment with Fidel Castro. I am baffled as to why his commentaries are even considered for publication in a free journal such as yours. His people cannot read whatever you may publish of his opinings. For that matter they cannot read anything else you publish unless the do so illegally. I sometimes fear that the other Caribbean leaders would like to have such devastating powers over their people. This does not bode well for the pockets and economies of the the Caribbean masses.

These leaders and other take refuge in sayings such as: Cuba has great educational and medical systems. So what? Mussolini made the trains run on time. Hitler brought back much needed pride and discipline to German society. The lesson is not just what a leader has accomplished, but to what end has he accomplished it? Is it to create efficiencies to further oppress peoples and to aggregate power and allegience to himself? Or is it to increase the well being and productivity of the governed? Castro has done his "good" things for the former reasons. He oppresses those who oppose him. He forbids internal criticism and jails those who organize against him. Yet he gains praise and adulation across the Caribbean. Why? Because he gives a few hand outs.

Those Caribbean leaders who praise Castro should be ashamed of themselves. Where else in the world can a white man and a few white elites control a population of majority Blacks and let them live in utter abject poverty? Only in Cuba today. Fidel is white with no black ancestors. The vast majority of the Politburo is white with about three token Blacks. Black Cubans are rlegated to the most menial jobs and can obtain few jobs in the valued sectors such government or tourism. Many Blacks pass for white so the can obtain economic and social benefits. The majority of political prisoners are blacks. Yet no voice rises up to cry like they justly did with South Africa. The vocal praise the only white leader that is oppressing majority Blacks today. They should be ashamed.

John North
St Patrick's

Anonymous said...

Nice try whoever reprinted this article from caribbeannetnews. Why is it you failed to include the editors note debunking the writers claims. Editors note "as a matter of fact,caribbeannetnews has an increasing number of subscribers to our daily news headlines with cuban email addresses,so we must assume that they are able to receive and read the same without restriction". So much for your propaganda. To add insult to injury John North spews his gabbage about race. Tell me how well did the racist giant of the north stood against apartheid? Remember how those in the north tried to turn Mandela against Fidel and how they were rejected by mandella. John North seems to be content in the north drunk on marterialism and is incapable of looking at the bigger picture. Do those in the north read the books by fidel? How about his book "captalism in crisis" in which fidel predicted the callapse of wall street 10 years before it happen. Those in the north are so blind to see how the so called lobbyist and multinationals have so much control of the so called majority. See how they buy out the legislaters in the health care reform. Is this democracy when the marjority cannot get want they want as their representatives are bought by lobbyist? Money control democracy in the north. The north dont give a hoot about us in these parts if they do its only to increase their economic dominance. It's that simple and the quicker we get it the better for us. They live lavishly at the expense of the exploited and some of us when they give us a taste of that marterialism we conveniently forget the sins and those who are left behind to suffer. Why don't they say anything about Saudi Arabia human rights and they dare not tackle China? The answer is economics, cheap goods and oil which they profit from. It'such a shame that the likes of John North continue to fall to bogus argument of human rights and what bodes well for the pockets of our economies. It is clear that the US has always practiced economic terrorism and the likes of John North see nothing wrong with that. We must always suffer to the whims and fancy of the giant to the north. Who is cuba to stand up to them? Say nothing of the inhumane economic blockade against their people simply because they chose a different economic system.Must we always submit to the bully? China is communist why dont they bully them? Remember that the great United States of America was built on the genocide of the native Indians which they brainwashed us into beleiving their Cowboys and Indians movies. Witness how the racist in the south react to the current Black President. You beleive they give a damn about us down here in the caribbean?

Anonymous said...

Why is the embargo still in place?

Anonymous said...

Simple answer- Economic terrorism to make capitalism seems to be the only successful economic system. This has nothing to do with human rights or democracy as they have brainwashed people like you to beleive. The US government and politicians are pandering to the cuban exile mafias in miami.The same ones who harbour Possades the terrorist who bombed the Cuban Airliner over barbados. The very ones who went on an extended vacation in exile and pride themselves as a government in waiting. Why do you beleive the US support them? You beleive it's for freedom and human rights? No the US simply wants to install a puppet government to serve their interest. Is that in the interest of the cuban people? The inhumane blockade is it in the interest of the cuban people? How has the blockade help the cuban people and hurt castro? They in the north have been writing about how they will make millions in shipping after castro. Why after castro? If you knew any history of the US relations with cuba before 1959 then you would know that their objective still remain the same. The giant of the north is not interested in what they can do for the cubans, but rather what they can get out of them. The current cuban economic system is an obstacle in their motive of exploitation of that country hence the embargo. They will do anything to show that no other economic system works other than theirs. Using democracy and human rights as a cover for their economic genocide is what people like you have fallen for. Simple economic genocide to promote capitalism as the only successful system. Human rigts and democracy have been suffering from abuse for a long time. human rights and democracy needs serious counselling.
The white man indoctrinated blacks into beleiving that slavery was ok. Did you see how long it took to be free from it and the lingering effect it still has? Again i will remind you that they committed genocide against the native indians by forcing them into submission and now regard the mexicans who are native of this continent illegal aliens when they are the ones who crossed oceans to committ that genocide. Have you not realised how fearful the whites are as they will soon become a minority in the USA? Can't you see the reactions of the rightwing nuts especially those in the south{former slave states} towards Obama? Have you not seen the signs against him? You still think this is about Human rights and democracy? Did you not see how fast they abandon us in the caribbean in favour for those in eastern europe? The same people they say were evil. Wait and see how they will flock cuba and abandon us after the embargo is gone. you will see how much they the american tourist will give a hoot about our tourism product. It's the nature of their system if we ignore this we do it at our own peril. Why is that the United Nations votes continualy to lift the inhumane blockade with a with less than five countries against lifting it? I wonder how many of those countries calling for the lifting of the embargo are democratic countries?

Anonymous said...

The Cuban people are suffering because their government want them too, it's the only way to hold on to power.

The government can end their suffering by having reform and opening up the country, free the political prisoners, allow an opposition party etc....

Anonymous said...

How shallow. Side step the issue conveniently and continue to make ideological statements. They have a right to choose their form of government. They dont have to conform to yours you hypocrite. Why dont you ask china to do the same with your double standards. What happen standards are dependant on your size and how much firepower you have? Yes you want them to submit o the dictates of the giant to the north right? Free political prisoners allow opposition parties. The giant to the north is the aggressor but you say nothing about them. tak out the mote from your eyes before you try to give advice. Who are better off the mexicans who have submitted to the giant with the abuse of their people coupled with the havoc the drug trade is causing to their society or the cubans? They have your opposition party and your democracy but at what price? Every system has its advantage and disadvantage. You want cuba to prostitute itsself to the north? You get the point. It'sust that you are bankrupt of any sensible argument.

Anonymous said...

I won't argue with a fool cuz no one will know the difference tween us.

Good luck my brainwashed friend

z said...

the fool has blown all your lousy arguments to pieces.