Saturday, September 5, 2009

Saint Lucia homecoming…2010



Tim said...

Who's going to come home now when private citizens are now being attacked by politicians?

Anonymous said...

Stupid politicians....

Anonymous said...

I view this Homecoming as something highly positive, soaring above the petty actions of politicians. I'm hoping that it will be a warm, festive event.

One of the objectives of the Dominica Homecoming is to increase foreign exchange inflows to the island. If this is successful, the economy will definintely benefit.

Each one of us should play our part and start inviting our friends and family. I have already started. I'm hoping that a Homecoming Facebook page can be started to increase the hype.

We need to rise above our secular political views and work towards something positive. Maybe some good folk will come together to form a new party!

Zee said...

I am so coming home for this!

Anonymous said...

Peter it is alweays nice to hear your take on matters of real importance regarding St.Lucia, i will be going to St.Lucia for the homecoming with most of the views you have expressed, more for information on what is there to get involved in, chances of reestablishing myself back at home, but if you know the St.Lucian psyche like I do it will be another time for the rum and partying kind of atmosphere. But i do hope there will be serious discourse during that time.