Thursday, September 17, 2009




Anonymous said...

The best thing for the government to do, is to use the little time it remain in office to do some work, and move on, stop wasting the time and money of the state in foolishness like appeals. The more time they waste, trying to make themselves look good, the more people will remember that incident. They will be out of office anyway, by next election so i believe they do not care about work now.

Anonymous said...

You SLP people are pathetic. Government MUST appeal this ruling. We can't have a judge imposing conditions on Cabinet that are not included in the legislation governing Cabinet decisions.

Anonymous said...

The cabinet is elected by the people, they are working for the people and they are being paid by the people hard earned tax money. They are not above the law, and have to adhere to the law like everyone of us. Gone are the days when we saw these men as our Gods. Now we have educated men who know the law as Dr Anthony to represent us, he want every St Lucian to be educated lkie him, that is why he provided a secondary school place for each and everyone of us.

Anonymous said...

... and a lot of good it has done for you, too!

Anonymous said...

I do not need any government to do anything for me personally, i just want them to work for the country as a whole.

Anonymous said...

Talking about good,we must remember it was the SLP in 1979, who raised the salary in the country. That is why civil servants are working for a good salary today. In the past people did not want to join the police force, because the salary was to low.