Saturday, October 10, 2009

Identifying The Indigenous Lucian Inventive Spirit



Anonymous said...

"high navigational tides?" Why not simply "high tides"?

What is the new dispensation of the NEW Millennium?

Is dependence on the Taiwanese consistent with this paradigm shift that you advocate?

If the paradigm shift is needed "now" it means now,not LATER.

IAKM said...

Excellent article MR. Girard. However, as "Anonymous" just displayed, it is not fully understood.

Creative Writing is great, but like everything else, it has its place. When one is trying to convey a serious message though, it is important that it is presented in a way that all may understand. Imagine a Pastor preaching a sermon, and more than half of the congregation have no idea what it is that he is saying. If the message of such a serious nature is lost on one, then that is too many.

It seems that lately there are so many College educated people in St. Lucia, that there is an almost underlying effort to impress or out-do each other.

Let us concentrate more on speaking audibly, with strength, and most of all, clearly.

PS. I believe that the saying is, "Time and Tide waits for no man".

Great article though!