Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Police Threaten



Anonymous said...

all governments around the world ready to fire staff and trying to cut budgets... but it seems they don't hear that in St. Lucia

Zeigy said...

I'm glad to hear that the officers are seeking higher education. I anticipate good things will come of this as this should improve the quality of service the officers give to the public.

If, as a result of a higher education, the officers give a greater level of output in their work naturally this would warrant higher wages but if they go back to the force with no improvement in their level of productivity then what incentive are you giving the government to increase the nation's internal security budget?

Anonymous said...

ZEIGY, sometimes i believe you are a not well upstairs. When one upgrade his education, he has a higher capacity to perform, so he or she must be given more responsibility and he must receive more pay. You cannot expect one to invest in his education and remain stagnant at the same level with the uneducated one. The educated ones should be used to improve the arganisation.

Zeigy said...

Nothing that I have said in my previous statement criticises the pursuit of a higher education as you are suggesting.

I am, however, stating that as we pursue a higher education we should not lose sight of its true purpose, which is for us to be enlightened, see the difficulties which our country faces and develop solutions to these problems. I don't like the idea of people only seeking to educate themselves only so that they can get more money because one needs to help the country to prosper before the money can flow and benefit not only themselves but the people around them.

What part of my logical and beliefs makes me unwell in my head?

Anonymous said...

Zeigy i do not care what you say, everybody including YOU only education yourself to improve yourself, and to make more money. Noboby really like to work, everybody work because they have to, and want to make a living. So we St Lucians are no different. If somebody is on a job and does not produce, he cannot be blamed, his superiors should give him the work they want him or she to do.

Zeigy said...

But there are work ethics. An employer can't be expected to cover everything that an employee is expected to do. We need to go beyond the call of duty, that way we reduce wastage and the economy thrives from improved productivity.

How can we sit satisfied with our lives when so many of us live in poverty because of economic inefficiency?

Anonymous said...

ZEIGY, i realise you are a mad man so you do not deserve an answwer.

Zeigy said...

Obviously I'm wasting my time talking to you.