Thursday, February 11, 2010

A State Of Crime



Anonymous said...

Well said.

"Some may get caught and others may get away with murder"

Like some in government ministerial positions, undoubtedly...

Anonymous said...

Getting away with fraud, unpaid taxes, convicted criminals, alledged drug baron, tax evaders, using tax payers money to travel the world with thier wives, jarbals, jump offs, red envelopes, jarbals writing off government tax payers vehicles in the dead of night, et al; ad nauseam!!

What would you expect the regular citizens to do when the examples are in iron clad (to follow)!!

Anonymous said...

In order to solve crimes, the government must find out the true reasons why people choose to commit crimes and come up with a crime prevention plan, which should include the following measures: beat patrol, community policing, criminal intelligence, arrest and conviction of criminals, reforming prisoners, criminal investigation, rehabilitation of deportees, drug eradication, drug rehabilitation, drug treatment programs, youth programs and a confidential Hotline number with rewards.

After a crime is committed, the law enforcement authorities must spend a lot of time trying to detect who committed the crime, which could be avoided if more resources are invested in crime prevention.

Anonymous said...

If we come together as a people and make up our minds that we are going to address this problem together as one big family, then we will see a major reduction in our crime rates and a better way of life for all.

The government should also bring the political leaders from all the political parties and community organizations into this effort because it is a problem that affects every citizen of our country.

Anonymous said...

If we come together as a people and make up our minds that we are going to address this problem together as one big family, then we will see a major reduction in our crime rates and a better way of life for all.

The government should also bring the political leaders from all the political parties and community organizations into this effort because it is a problem that affects every citizen of our country.

Anonymous said...

The effects of crime should be taught in every school, in every grade and in every church and community, in every corner of the land. Crime will affect our daily bread.

Anonymous said...

No doubt your facts are right on point. This rastaman admires your perceptiveness, you definitely have the ability to see clearly and intuitively into the nature of a complex situation.

St Lucians long for a system like the good old days or utopia, an ideal and perfect place or state where everyone lives in harmony and everything is for the best. Sadly for St Lucia and any other society on this planet this experience is far-fetched or very unlikely. We are living in judgement times. We are living in the times where the Almighty $$$$ Dollar (Currecy) rules and the Sacrament of Sex has become a commodoty in public places.

Organized religion and Political institutions have been taken over by people who are no better than the criminals you defined in your writings and do a great deal more harm to society. It is evident churches of all denominations are infested with Crooks, Phonies, Rapists, Pedophillias and Child Molesters parading as Priests, Pastors, Preachers and Prophets, so called men and women of God; there is absolutely no turning around and it will get worse and worse no matter what we do. "Total destruction is the only solution as was prophesied by Bob Marley and when the ashes clears there will be the beginning of a new cycle. A new Day.