Saturday, January 15, 2011

St.Lucia to Host CYG in 2017


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ok Mr. Peterkin lay out the plans as it relates to the sports we intend to host for these games, the facilities to be built and the legacy u expect of these games. What is expected cost of the games and a breakdown of where the money will be going. Who will be paying for all this? how much is coming from the commonwealth games?. Which of the sports will athletes be competing in? I am curious to know the legacy in terms of facilities and for which sports.I am just concerned that this is not just a Tourism promotion stunt as opposed to true development of sports for our people. Details of the budget will let us know where the money is going and who benefits from this. If money is going to be put into such games we better be sure that it is managed properly and spend in a way that benefits the country in the long term.