Saturday, May 28, 2011

Frustration Hits National Council on Public Transportation



Anonymous said...

Bad government. Bad roads. Simple. Vote better people next chance you get.

For now, just shut up! That is what you voted for. Grin and bear it. Stop selling your birthright and yourselves for chicken and rum.

Anonymous said...

The same thing will attempt to happen when those will believe that by throwing party with rum and food will fool the people in voting for them, Watch out for chastenet in soufriere, watch out for francis the attorney general, an a host of others and will try to bypass the real bread and butter issues that affect the lives of all st lucians.

Anonymous said...

So many St. Lucians are political prostitutes. We have newspaper editors. We have regular columnists. We have so-o-o-o-o-o-o-o many talk show hosts.

All of these are in the business of selling their souls and what not, with the people and the country. Then the people turn around and sell themselves like monkeys in the wild for the next chicken leg and the next serving of rum.

St. Lucians have no sense of self-respect. So the country is forced by the hordes of idiots and political prostitutes around us, to live in idiot country.

Anonymous said...

Instead of looking to people who can develop the country, the people are looking up to jailbirds, thieves, drug barons, the half-educated, the uneducated, liars under oath, custom cheats, runaways from the police for traffic offences, unethical doctors selling their patients' private medical records as representatives for St. Lucia on the world scene. Good God Almighty! HOW MUCH LOWER MUST WE SINK, LORD?

Anonymous said...

Nothing happens with this government NOTHING........ if anything has to happen you MUST threaten them and even when you do that NOTHING happens. The speed of the leader is the speed of the pack!!!!!. I agree with blogger # 1. That is what they voted for so put up or shut up. A people get the government they deserve CASE CLOSED!!!!!