Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Sex Abuse Survivors in the Caribbean



Trevor said...

What a travesty of human nature that sexual abuse has been? Thank God it is disappearing from our male psyche. Perhaps it will have gone altogether by the end of this millennium.
During my years in the Far East working with abused children, it was strong female parliamentarians, like Barbara Kinna in Singapore and collective action through school leaders which forced the legal system to expose and imprison abusers. The Caribbean reminds me of my time working in the Arabia. We expats never heard a whisper about sexual abuse, we only saw it when the victims were admitted to the hospital in which I worked. The Arab Spring should take care of that eventually.
The ONLY type of warfare we humans can wage against this primitive, barbaric act of violence is to do what happened in Singapore.Harness the power of people like Velika and Sou.
Now is a great time. The powerful parliamentarian is in place? Will she do anything?

Anonymous said...

Society's dirty little secret. This is more widespread and pervasive than anyone can imagine. Of my many female friends who confide in me, more than half have been victims of assualt and/or sexual abuse. It takes phenomenal people like Vel and Sou and others to resonate such courage to stand up and speak out against this devilish act. I am a firm believer that the strength of the human spirit will endure despite the arduous and debilitating circumstances faced. Thank you Vel & Sou for having the strength and the courage to speak out and inspire the many, many others to do the same. We need to take a unified approach and start the healing process for many, and to put mechanisms in place to stop this terrible act in its tracks! Kudos to you both on this bold initiative, you have my full support.
