Saturday, March 3, 2012

Dictatorship or Democracy?



Anonymous said...

Kenny is a dictator.

Anonymous said...

Kenny is a dictator.

LuciaBoy said...

I challenge both parties and more so the current administration to institute local government election so that we can have a truly functioning participatory democracy. What better way to have a referendum on the incumbent's government's performance as well as having the districts, villages, towns and community councils decide who they would like to manage their affairs on a local level. What better way to dismantle the stranglehold on decision making by the central government and the tyranny of the majority. In the case of Saint Lucia one would have to ask how large a majority is that given how divided we are along party lines straight down the middle. It is usually a small percentage of undecided voters in each non-stronghold constituency to decide the elections. It is time to begin to groom our next crop of politicians, leaders and community activists by instituting local government elections. Over to you Dalson, Kenny King et al.