Saturday, March 3, 2012

Dr. Lewis Delivers Independence Lecture



Anonymous said...

If that is most of what he said, then that is very very murky and groping way to proceed. This leaves the government with no clear way nor traction regarding anything in particular going forward. Choooops! Too much history. Few insights can be gleaned from all of this.

Anonymous said...

As part of the liberal academic and political so called "elite" Dr. Lewis can talk but has no clue as to why our countries are backward.

The simple answer is that these liberals have abandoned the Judeo Christian ethic which made Western civilization great.

As Prime Minister Lewis made no effort to inculcate in our people a focus on personal responsibility. He made no effort to stop his government from stealing from some people in the form of taxes and borrowing to then waste it or give it to others as freeness.

The government he is now a part of did the same thing for 9 years running up $1 billion in debt on our children's heads.

Vaughn Lewis by his own behaviour proved himself to lack any sense of loyalty when the members of the United Workers Party made him the Prime Minister of St. Lucia then he rewarded them by turnimg his back on the party when he could not get his way and became a candidate for the SLP.

This is the kind of behaviour that corrupts our childrens minds and the value system of successful societies like Singapore.

Lee Kwan Hew of Singapore would have chucked Lewis out of his government if he had ever see what a clown he is.

the blogger above hit the nail on the head. After a full speech with a lot of references to issues and people , Lewis still did not SAY anything of significance which is the standard verbage we get from Caribbean and St. Lucian politicians.

When are you all going to actually get anything done ?

100 days after election to office this SLP Admnisitration just seems to be a continuation of the same failures from 1997 -2006 !!!

Anonymous said...

What can anyone point to that gives us reason to listen to Lewis?

What academic achievement can we look at and say has moved St. Lucia forward? Ditto for Kenny Anthony.

What did Lewis do as PRIME MINISTER that we can say was of any significance for our children? Ditto Kenny Anthony.

We already know that Kenny (irrespective of what alva or anyone else thinks)is staying with the Taiwanese so why are we paying Vaughn hundreds of thousands of dollars as a "special Advisor" just to cover up for the fact that the decision has been made already.

All this decision making farce is to cover kenny's butt because of his personal narcissistic 3 year long feud with Tom Chou.

This is what the Taiwanese said from as far back as Nov 29th, 2011 that they met with Kenny and he agreed to stay with Taiwan.

That is what you call diplomacy that that clown Alva is running ?

Anonymous said...

Dead professors trying to educate St Lucia. LOL

Move on can't even excite a dog farless human. LOL

Anonymous said...

The man sounds like he will embrace Chavez.

Anonymous said...

That speech did not rise to the standard of what such lectures stand for. It was so bland. A bad start for what should have been a new era in our culture and a distinguishing lecture series. That was a lot of hot air coming from a former PM.

Anonymous said...

Thats what happen when you bring a 1950 cadillac into the environment of a 2012 farrari and porches.

Anonymous said...

"Singapore, he said, compared to Jamaica’s 4,111 square miles in size, had a GDP of US$2,650 per capita compared to Jamaica’s US$2,850 per capita in 1965. Recent figures put Singapore’s GDP at US$31,400 per capita while Jamaica’s is US$4,800. "..This is such an absurd comparison, one should note that as China grows Singapore will also grow, Jamaica nor Saint Lucia has a benefactor like Singapore has with China.

Anonymous said...

"Singapore, he said, compared to Jamaica’s 4,111 square miles in size, had a GDP of US$2,650 per capita compared to Jamaica’s US$2,850 per capita in 1965. Recent figures put Singapore’s GDP at US$31,400 per capita while Jamaica’s is US$4,800."..This such a laughable and absurd comparison,,comapring Singapore GDP with that of Jamaica...Jamaica does not have the luxury of a benefactor or relationship with any other country vis a vis China and Singapore, Singapore's economy is an integral part of China's...Jamaica's economy is not integral to any one country's economy...

Anonymous said...

That's Kenny Foreign policy huncho!! LOL

Poor start..

Anonymous said...

What is amazing is that is spite of the reams of evidence out there on the Internet that so many of our people have been so dumbed down that we take people like Lewis at his word.

unfortunately the American and European citizens are no different. so mand lies and propoganda has been spread that when the brown stuff hits the fan it will be OMG !!even as families and societies collapse.

Anonymous said...

The St. Lucia Labour Party Administration says it is going to find $100 million for "creating jobs". So far the only jobs they have "created" are for SLP big shots getting government jobs at hundreds of thousansd of dollars to "facilitate" things that can be done by public servants or as "special advisors". What is Vaughn going to say about Taiwan/China that we do not know already plus Kenny has already promised Taiwan he is staying with them.

The news this morning says that China is downgrading its future growth, that the Greek govt and bond holders may not meet to cut bondholders bond redemption by 75% and that Europe is going to head for another depression.

Where is Kenny going to get all the money?

Instead of frugality he is spending like a liberal drunken sailor. Instead of talking about values and the need for personal responsibility he is promising "pie in the sky" solutions. But his supporters do not care - all the country can suffer as long as they get their pound of flesh.

Anonymous said...

this is one of the best set of comments i have come across on lucian thread. "Anonymous #2" in particularly. Pity they are all anonymous

- nadge augustin

Anonymous said...

Let us see Vaughn show Kenny how to create jobs. How can a man with no experience in job creation help Kenny create jobs.

This isn't the class room. This is reality. SLP can either show it is serious or prepare itself to get shipped out.