Thursday, March 1, 2012




Anonymous said...

it would be best that these students apply themselves to their studies rather than some stupid useless indepence nonsense. Independence is a gigantic failure people!!

we as a nation are still fully dependent on the outside world for handouts, and survival (tourism). we are independent of absolutely nothing!!we were and still are dependent on what the "great white" north / man sends us.

Anonymous said...

I can't agree more. More papishow again. Look at what they are wearing. This may as well be any country. Stop wasting the time of the country and young people.

Anonymous said...

There is a certain truth to the above but you would not believe that even though many of our young St. Lucians ar taken up with this "pappyshow" that many of them are also aware of how incompetent and inept are our leaders who try to buy them off with so called "free education" even as our country sinks into the ground.

Our young people are looking for a serious leader who can indicate to them how to really move forward positively.

They need a leader to tell them what values are really going to move them forward towards a better life.

We are looking for change and soon we think it will manifest itself to our people.

Anonymous said...

The older folks in St. Lucia are sickeningly a highly IRRESPONSIBLE bunch.

They are so goo-damn shallow and frivolous that their behaviour stinks to high heaven.

They continue to MISLEAD the young people in this country. They let a jackass from an islet off St, Vincent convince them that a make-believe independent song, and a flag give you independence.

Compton's idea of independence built on selling mature bananas to England was hollow. When that arrangement collapsed so did Compton's idea of independence. He quickly burdened Dr. Lewis with all the problems he had created.

The idiot was so full of god-damn self that shamed the university professor by getting his bunch of idiotic followers to kick out Dr. Lewis. Karma, the ex-convict Bousquet, the King of Retards, and Baron Richard Fredricks showed him the power and reward of Compton's evil ways. They dispatched senile Compton to the next world with indecent haste.

Only those under 33 years of old today can be fooled by our idiotic community leaders. We had a life before foreigner Compton left for St. Lucia from the islet of Cananoun St Vincent where he cane from.

Independence is quite meaningless. It existed perhaps only in Compton's egotistical and wickedly mischievous thinking. The people of Anse La Raye and Canaries know what I am talking about.

Anonymous said...

with the advent of this so called "independence". This island nations level of social civility has degraded drastically. We were once a civil tollerent people, now it's just crime after crime moral values are no longer existant in our society today. respect left with us.

Anonymous said...

I love St Lucia so much, check out the hard work being done by these SLU kids!!!