Thursday, March 15, 2012

The Prostitution Debate



Anonymous said...

Micah. Yours is a simplistic, head in the sand attitude to the whole problem and you are runing a "red herring" across the trail.

Yes we all know that the Roman Catholic Church and the other denominations have not been consistent in their approach to the myriad of problems facing our nation and in fact all people of African heritage.

Instead of responding vigorously to the attack on their religion too many of the religious chose to play dumb and the Catholic Church is top of the list as the rock upon which Christ build his Church.

But you do nothing when you exonerate Dr King because he is an "honourable man". You contribute nothing but words to the debate when you do not look at people like King and organizations like CAFRA (which are there only for the self aggrandizement of a few paid by overseas organizations)and the liberal/progressive agenda they push that is destroying our region.

You only attack the symptoms and not the cause when you say we must seek out those suffering and ease their pain. That is the simple short term solution and it MUST be done.
The real problem though is that we have a dysfunctional society from top to bottom and we have moved away (particularly the liberal politicians, media and academics)from the ideas that made western civilization great.

the reaponce of the destructive magical liberals is to loosen the rules, free up everything and all will be good. This is what got us in trouble in the first place and I tell you that with the greater economic problems we will be facing in the future it will only get worst with time because the fundamental breakdown is still there.

Anonymous said...

Micah, after taking so long to say something about the prostitution debate,it would have been better if you had kept your mouth shut, for you have added absolutely no value to the debate with this simplistic piece.

Anonymous said...

Sometimes I think the reporters at this paper, just hurry to write an article to meet a deadline. They don't care about researching or writing something with substance, all about meeting a deadline and having something in the paper. This article presented nothing new, that hasn't been written in previous articles on this very same newspaper.

Anonymous said...

... and some reporters seem to like certain topics not for them to report on but only to hear other people's views.