Saturday, March 3, 2012

Saving WASCO From Itself And Others



Anonymous said...

Let's face it. St. Lucia and the region itself does not have many people with any or basic financial management skills.

As a natural monopoly, the water company, given people with basically a civil servant or public servant model of governance, these unskilled people only know how to pass the cost of gross and blatant inefficiencies and ineptitude to the consumer. Fleece the customer, the client, and the end-user of the product or service. After all, they have no where else to go.

THEY KNOW ABSOLUTELY, YES ABSOLUTELY NOTHING about business strategy, and even far less about turn-around strategy.

You have to forgive this and their abysmal ignorance that is so pervasive, all stemming from their ministerial and pro-party supine follower selection, and then the limited selection choices of the electorate. These unashamedly revel sometimes in the election of REAL dummies and geriatric egomaniacs as ministers and leaders. It turns out that these elected pompous idiots are nowhere smarter the the fawning and sycophantic idiots who vote them into office.

When better will NOT be done, my friend told me, worse will continue.

The water company is a metaphor for the state of malaise in St. Lucian culture and St. Lucian society today.

Clean the slate. The entire management and board should be dumped. Start afresh.

How the hell in this 21st century in a water-stressed county like ours is, there are no devices in place to monitor where the leaks are in the system from point D to delivery point G? Who is accountable for this oversight?

How comes it that for properly-managed water delivery systems, the rule-of-thumb leakage rate is 15-20 percent max, but ours is twice this rate?

Who should be paying for this level of nonsense that is going on? Consumers?

What was the last minister in charge doing, and was being paid for?

Was he intelligent, had the depth of knowledge and the smarts to understand enough to manage and competently monitor what he was supposed to be managing?

Anonymous said...

Now that is a breath of fresh air. I think the powers that be need to look at the suggestions in this post as another set of tools that they can examine in order to address the problems that they are faced with. Why not get the author of this writing on the board of WASCO.Yes another thought.