Saturday, June 30, 2012

PMA Spared!


Anonymous said...

I am surprised by the fact that when it's good news for the country no one seems to comment,but when it is negative news everyone wants to say something they know nothing about.Shame on all of you.

Anonymous said...

Not so fast---just buying time for another year.

Whats happening in the PMA cannot be reversed. It has been damaged permanently.

Ask the question......what did St.Lucia offered and what was promised?

The details are in the fine print and what the minister will not revealed.

But with time it will come out.Nothing in St.Lucia is a secret.

Better Days!

workinprogress said...

I have questions

I want a full report of what is expected of St. Lucia and what St. lucia promised to do. What exactly does working more closely with the WHC mean? Give us specifics. what are yall hiding now?

I also want to know what becomes of the PMA if there is a changing of guard in the next 5 years. It seems that the PMA is some type of football just being kicked around willy nilly for the government of the day to do as they please with it.

Anyway this is great news. I just think that everyone is not being very forthcoming which is concerning





Anonymous said...

What ever was said there by Jimmy could never have satisfied the commission.

Anonymous said...

Jimmy is a fruad. I bet you it did not go down the way he claimed he did. I bet you that he PMA being saved had nothing to do with some exordinary presentation he gave.

Anonymous said...

Happy they were successful in fixing this mess.

Anonymous said...

Thank you, above...ditto; rather than the personal attack on Jimmy.

Shallow people, shallow mentality!!

Anonymous said...

Saint Lucians are a sorry bunch of shit talkers.

I was thinking that more people would ask what has to be done to prevent a further erosion of the area and further endanger it.

Our steady stream of morons, negre marwons and country-bookies seem to have no awareness of environmental issues.

Shit talking in parliament and patching roads that is all they get a pension and salary for.

Anyway, as long as the country-bookie belongs to our area of the country we live in, all is well and good. What load of jackasses we have in the population.

God save us from our influential airheads, social leeches and distinguished maggots in the likes of our countless loathsome Jouk Bwas and Reek Rains.

Anonymous said...

In Saint Lucia, we have lived those very sad experiences through extensive government expenditure and borrowing, and when our government commits to highly secretive state contracts like Grynberg and the Black Bay lands -- all of which are part of the underground economy.

Against this backdrop, the situation with the Piton Management Area and the potential downgrade of the World Heritage Status is appalling.

If this should occur, what a great loss this will be to all Saint Lucians and financial holdings locally and internationally. We can expect devaluation in assets in the PMA, at the expense of another example of political promise based on false assumptions and unwise promotional taglines such as Live the Legend.

The question is who’s living the legend – while the state cannot support a basic fleet of emergency vehicles such as ambulance and fire trucks, or provide education, adequate food, medical services and housing for its people.