Saturday, September 29, 2012

UWP Questions ‘Better Days’


Anonymous said...

VAT was supposed to be implemented a long time ago, so the UWP is being a bit hypocritical. I don't care much for Kenny but VAT will be good for the Country, it is a necessity.

Anonymous said...

When will the hypocritical buffoon leader of the Unified Wasters Party come to terms with losing the election and respect the democratic will of the people. He is a disgrace to a once great party and to the memory of Sir John.

Anonymous said...

Why is it so difficult for you small island people to comprehend exactly what those guys are saying? They are not saying that it is not eminent however the timing is not conducive for such. Furthermore the Guy who was the head of your country before said he would implement VAT “providing” that the state of the economy is conducive. So why is it you nut brains keep stressing on the april factor and leaving out the “Providing” factor. No wonder this place is considered the dumbest in the western hemisphere.

Anonymous said...

I am happy we are keeping these illiterates away from our boarders.

Anonymous said...

I hate to be partisian, but all the barking emanating from the opposition, is a way to distract the populace. They accrued this huge debt and now an effort is being made to reverse this trend of indebtedness they are crying foul. Debt must be paid otherwise you face the consequenses. We are the ones to make the sacrifices not the once we owe. Let's face our responsibilities now. Now;Now!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

STFU @2:21 and 2:22

Anonymous said...

King is best left ignored.

Compton's errand boy could not even read the speeches written for him, even after many rehearsals. How the hell he thinks the can convince anybody but the idiots on his party, that he has anything of substance to say about anything economic?

Here's is his MAJOR flip-flop.

He was all for VAT until he was booted out of office. Now he is against VAT.

Compton's messenager boy, does not understand the first darn thing about economics. Now 12 months out of office, he knows a whole hell of lot about the economy? Yes?

Could have fooled me! Now who hell really pays attention and listens to the unadulterated cr p coming from retards and idiots like this? You?

UWP is the party of idiots, by idiots, and for idiots!

jeff daniel said...

i two questions slp so called "better days"

Anonymous said...

Jeff which government on this earth can ever bring better days in 10 months? UWP can talk all their shate they had 5 yrs to do it, all they did was scandals after scandals. Now big Bear King want to talk. He should try to make UWP a party again, then people will see if he worth something.

Anonymous said...

I can see clarity in the sky right at the horrizon ever since the last elections. That convinces me that better days are ahead. TO THE SKEPTICS : Open your eyes and you will see. Toooo.

Anonymous said...

Better days or no better days SLP is superior to that nonsence UWP.

jeff daniel said...

how much time slp wanted for give us so called better days vat don't sound or look like better days ask any were are better days what they told me were it they don't see it, i will tell were better days are it in the prime ministers pocket that it is

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

I thought the comments placed on this blog was supposed to be respectful and without name calling and disrespect. Who is manning this? Why are some persons allowed to disrespect others and nothing for that. If I too decide to follow this trend I bet most of you participants wud cry foul. I am taking note for the future!

Anonymous said...

Amen brother shout it out to them loudly again bro.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I pose a simple question to the leader of the opposition. What is a reasonable timeline for a party's manifesto to yield results after it has won an election?

Anonymous said...

UWP, party of idiots, by idiots and for idiots!

UWP, party of scoundrels, by scoundrels and for scoundrels!

UWP, party of slimeballs, by slimeballs and for slimeballs!

UWP, party for scumbags, by scumbags and for scumbags!

UWP, party of goons, by goons, and for goons!

UWP. party of reprobates, by reprobatess and for reprobates!

UWP, party of the narco industry, by the narco industry and for the narco industry!

UWP, party of liars, by liars, and for liars!

UWP, party of miscreants, by miscreants, and for miscreants!

Its constituencies? The Grave Yard, New Village, Bois Patate, Grass Street, Egard, and Bordelais!

Anonymous said...

What you talking about? UWP is not a party, it is just a group of uppertunists who want to rely on our hard earned taxes to milk on. Show me their structure? A party should have a structure if they are to be taken seriously. The only party un St Lucia today ls the SLP. A party should not only hold together when it is in office collecting the spoils.

Anonymous said...

the benefit of vat is the returns to the g'ment- returns we will not see for at least a year. Therefore, St. lucians, with no improved means of revenue, have to suffer for at least one year until the g'ment gets these returns. When the g'ment realizes these returns, then and only then, will they be in a position to spend that money on developing the country- or their pockets- which ever one is more important! Personally, the g'ment should increase public servants salary and enforce the labour code (first), create more jobs (first), or even reduce the income tax for the 1st year of vat (first) before any 'benefit' to vat could have the slightly realized!!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Okay folks...moving forward we won't say better days. All we should say is BDSLP. LOL

Anonymous said...

The opposition's pockets are loaded. Enough to last another ten years just in case they loose the next election. They have so much, they have even began campaigning four years ahead of the next elections. Rallies like the ones they have undertaken cost a hefty fine. Think about it!!!!!!!