Thursday, September 27, 2012



Anonymous said...

VAT Ready????

We all will find out on Monday.

Anonymous said...

Kenny bringing on VAT but decide to not be in St Lucia when it is coming on?

Dan said...

Has the SLP become the party of a few men.

Who are they? The eleven who were electedm leo Clarke and a the small circle of fellas who like to rub on power.

For us the supporters out there we not in that. We are just rubber stamps that go out and vote every 5 years, talk sh.t in the streets and on the internet blogs. We have nothing to show for it except to bat joule nou.

Anonymous said...

VAT will help the poor.

Anonymous said...

uwpees Please if uwp had win think that lucians would have gotten away, with all the hoorah from king he should no better. so please give it up and let the goverment find away to helpp our fellow lucains.

Anonymous said...

We can't allow this government to run the country to the ground. We have to oppose them on every front.

Anonymous said...

yea vat is going to generate money for our economy.. but the question is, what is the government going to do with all that alternative revenue generated? more audi's? more bmw's? larvish trips? more high post job creations? party favors? an increase for public servants? local investment? borbol? we st. lucians just have to be prepared for this vat introduction and go HARD! hustle? money ah fi make one way or the other?

Anonymous said...

Well if they are not ready then i am wondering which country around the world will be giving St.lucia money,when these same countries have already introduced VAT to help sort out their own debt.I find the press never made the people of St.lucia realize the huge debt the whole world is facing and every country has a duty to try and find ways to generate revenue.Even in the United Kingdom VAT was introduced,and would you rather your beloved country to continue to be in debt or for the government to find ways to bring down the debt so that your kids will have a better life in the future.Tell me St.lucians if you have taken a loan and you can't pay the bank think of what the bank would do?

jeff daniel said...


Anonymous said...

Screw the Poor. What do they contribute anyway but go in the street around election time drink rum and for 50 bucks cast a vote. Bring the VAT on. Tired of the 47% sucking the eyeballs of those who pay taxes leaving off of government thinking they are entitled. Everyone has to pay up.

Anonymous said...

Europe, America and most are trying to find ways to cut their deficits. Some have cut costs even in their education departments to the point where school supplies (paper, pencils, etc.) are being rationed. They make a sacrifice in other to achieve their goal. They expect us beggers to do the same. Charity begins at home. Expect less of a helping hand from them!!!!

Anonymous said...

Please people, lets become more intelligent in our debates. Become familiar with what VAT is and how it will affect us (positively or negatively). The following makes an interesting read.

Anonymous said...

Only days after implementation and our people are feeling Phillip and Kenny's Values Added Tax !

There is much anguish and gnashing of teeth in every village and town but them what did we expect?

How did you expect Kenny and Tony to borrow 2 billion dollars over their terms in office and expect that there would be no repercussions?

When Kenny and Phillip came into power we were paying $1.25 million per MONTH in interest on debt.

Now we are paying $1.5 million per WEEK in interest payments on the debt that PHILLIP PIERRE accumulated on the backs of St. Lucian children.

The $300 million that Kenny and Phillip borrowed this year alone will cost us $20 million in interest payments next year!

So where do you think that the VAT money is going? To pay for fat salaries for failures like Menissa Rambally who ran like a coward after the last Elections!

For all of that we have bearly had growth of more that an average of 1% annually with these inept managers in office.