Monday, October 22, 2012

Respect Due


Anonymous said...


Catechism of the Catholic Church:

Question: How do we expose ourselves to the danger of losing our Faith?

ANSWER: We expose ourselves to the danger of losing our Faith by neglecting our spiritual duties, reading bad books, going to non-Catholic schools, and taking part in the services or prayers of a false religion.

Why would you disobey the POPE – The Infallible one!

Now Dark "days" are ahead!!

And your prayers answered.

mark laporte said...

Thanks victor for the humourous article.I needed that lift today.However your point well taken...the night or black gets a bad rap.Hope yor article helps us consider the benefits of the black night.One thing.. many plants germinate at night and we see their first shoots when we go out in the morning.Now isn't that strange???