Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Saint Lucia Bureau of Standards Marks World Standards Day on 14 October


Anonymous said...

No nation that has embraced Quality with a capital 'Q' that is, has ever failed to improve its competitive position in terms of exports, and in turn, its GDP growth rate.

So why this farce?

Instead of giving a seminar simply touting the benefits of standardization, why not have a greater thrust and focus on helping companies, and making representation to government for a tax break for companies to get ISO certification.

ISO certification telegraphs to the entire world, your company's readiness, ability and competence to be a strategic partner for joint ventures and a quality vendor or supplier.

Why are so many of our so-called leaders and officials so darn confused about the options and their prioritization, in terms of the future?

Mallet received recognition for warming the chair in his ministry, making empty vision-less speeches along the way.

Is the current minister of trade and industry about to follow his example?

Imitation they say, is the highest form of flattery. How perverse!

Betta Dazs Ahed said...

st lucia do not have standards period.. that s a fact... we see it in messy gutters in castries.. we see it in old CDC buildins in castries.. we see it in those cheap boutiques stores sellin under rated poor standard goods.. we see it in the hospitals esp..VH.. we see it in the schools.. we have a 2ND substandard intl airport...which is begging for renovations..or destruction ..esp VIGIE airport.. we see it at the CHOC CEMETARY..we see it on the highways & in reckless driving.. ETC...ETC...
