Saturday, October 13, 2012

The UN Secretary-General--Message On The International Day Of The Girl Child


Anonymous said...

Why doesn't the United nations secretary general speak out against the Sterilization of girls in the third world countries under the guise of "birth control" or "planned parenthood."

Will he talk about the Genetically modified foods that are killing people around the world?

His message is a farce and a big show for his masters.

Anonymous said...

Why doesn't the United nations secretary general speak out against the Sterilization of girls in the third world countries under the guise of "birth control" or "planned parenthood."

Will he talk about the Genetically modified foods that are killing people around the world?

His message is a farce and a big show for his masters.

Anonymous said...

Why doesn't the United nations secretary general speak out against the Sterilization of girls in the third world countries under the guise of "birth control" or "planned parenthood."

Will he talk about the Genetically modified foods that are killing people around the world?

His message is a farce and a big show for his masters.