Monday, October 8, 2012

Will we see the “VAT MAN” encouraging “robin”??


Anonymous said...

To have telegraphed and communicated that the VAT was indeed a revenue-generating economic strategy, was a devastating admission of economic confusion and bumbling.

The PM exposed his lack of knowledge of fundamental economic principles. The technocrats appeared to have him confused.

In the end he will survive as he is on only game in town.

Anonymous said...

I agree that this admission of "economic confusion and bumbling" by the government. But which government though? Couldn't be just this one . . . consider all of them. From Compton to present.

If Compton had managed properly the funds during the "glory days" when hand-outs were plenty; if King had managed the crumbs that were left; if Kenny would have collected what was due; I wonder what a wonderful time it would be. Hmmmm. But they didn't.

That is why VAT is upon us. Forget Compton, King, and Kenny. Other than VAT, where or whom could we have turned to? Considering the Taxable income of our small population is definitely too small to furnish us with all the nice things we want government to provide us with.

Anonymous said...

Short answer: market more technology-based or technology-bundled exports.

Alright, this has a short- to medium-term gestation time period to eventual realization.

However, if it this is not even on the radar screens of either party, this begs the question: When are we going ever going to get there?

Anonymous said...

Honesty the PM is being badly advise by the consultants and PHD's technocrats...That's too simple a calculation to miss..

The customs accountant should have pick this up and tell the up line that 15% is already charge on medication and to add VAT @ 15% WILL EQUAL 30%. How difficult is that. And second, why not remove both taxes. It is the poor and sick who are suffering..Now more persons will not visit the doctor, stay without medication or stretch their meds---dangerously,-- or worse die in a country heavenly populated with, diabetes and the likes. How desperate can a government be to suck every dollar for the people?

The explanations by the PM on Face book and in other forums, clearly exposes his lack of knowledge of the facts and ability as the minister of finance.

Anonymous said...

I am of the opinion that the PM is ALWAYS confused by numbers. Not comfortable and never comfortable with numbers.

And besides that, he betrays a critical lack of understanding of the ramifications of economic policy. Hey! They don't teach that in law school.

And making the grade at Teachers' College with a fifth-rate proxy course in Mathematics, teaching two-variable simultaneous equations does not cut it, when it comes to teaching Mathematics at the secondary school level.

Tee-Tom's wife and he himself did us a serious disservice!

The trouble with the products of an education focus and empty boast of providing simply "fairty schools" and nothing more, has come home to roost: The Emperor has no clothes!

Anonymous said...

If Compton had managed properly the funds during the "glory days" when hand-outs were plenty; if King had managed the crumbs that were left; if Kenny would have collected what was due; I wonder what a wonderful time it would be. Hmmmm. But they didn't.

Fisherfolk Compton gave us what was in him: political banditry by organizing a riot in the valley in his grab for political power; political victimization, by he a foreigner punishing born and bred St. Lucians in Anse La Raye and Canaries, for not voting for him; economic buffoonery, by promising to revitalize a banana industry that died under his watch and fooled the people again with a promise to breathe life into it.

Anonymous said...

Man the analysis done by anonymous @ , 3:38 is truly anal... Man the customs official said because of the agreement with the OECS the original 15% tax was removed. The inclusion of 15% vat hasn't had any effect on the price of medication.

Get the facts right, sir or maam!!!