Saturday, March 9, 2013

Fast-Track Free Birth Certificate Rectification


Anonymous said...

Mine has the right baptismal date but the birth date is on the day I was registered, not the actual date of many screw-ups SMH. The problem is, I live overseas and I can't fix it until I come down and spend a few weeks. I could not renew my Saint Lucian passport, so I decided to use the one in my country of residence which has my country of birth on it, so it's all OK...I'm still a Lucian, for life.

Anonymous said...

OK people, is it just me who thinks the word SPECIMEN scrolled across on the birth certificate sounds a tad bit crazy. I mean what kind of specimen is that? Maybe it’s me, but I would have expected to see words such SAMPLE, VOID or some other word indicating the certificate is not real but SPECIMEN.

Anonymous said...

I hope sometime in the future, they can fast track birth certificates for adults. Our system is so archaic. It shouldn't take months and even years to fix an error on a birth certificate.

LOL at the specimen comment.

Armchair Anonymous said...

"SPECIMEN", "VOID". "SAMPLE", even "DRAFT" is acceptable on such documents for obvious reasons.

Nothing "crazy" about it.

Anonymous said...

St.Lucia is indipendent???
and it can not modernice his antic british law or a outdated system in the registry?
Shame on the prime minister (and he is a lawyer) in blocking on whatsoever reason any reforms.

Anonymous said...

Wow! You talking about people borned just 18 years ago! Cavemen were using the computer back then. But seriously, we need to expose this major blunder: the government,the churches and the people must all be held accountable!

Anonymous said...

What is needed is modification and modernization of existing policy of registration of birth. Fact is every child here is born with a mother and father. This fact must be recognized, accepted and recorded. Thus an entry giving the name of both parents must be done at the hospital or at the District Registry - regardless of whether the circumstances of the child's birth occurred within or without the bonds of wedlock.

Anonymous said...

The habit of allowing the Roman Catholic Practice of allowing any man (sometimes the mother's own brother or a male friend of her family) to stand for the child must be stopped. The record shows numerous problems which are now manifesting itself among others. The Hospital has a tendency to withhold registration because the mother is unable to pay a small fee to the hospital. This practice must stopped immediately.

Anonymous said...

A concerted effort must be mounted to inform the general public that to understand the difference between registration and confirmation. Unfortunately at present too many would-be-parents, young and old, do not see nor understand the difference.

Anonymous said...

Correction... registration and baptism.

Anonymous said...

there is this child who has been using his father`s surname for 22yrs now, got the birth certificate an now the fathers name isnt on it. he cant find his father cause he has been missing in action for 21 yrs now an is believed to be in the usa, what can this young adult do if he wants to continue using the surname name since it is on all documents.

Anonymous said...

Fact is, a man who have a child with a woman and go to baptise it, the fathers name will NOT be recorded by the church,unless he is married with the woman.
Do we live in the stone age? Any comment from the catholic church on this?