Saturday, March 9, 2013

TUF: “Government Can Pay”


Anonymous said...

“Government Can Pay”? Alright. If you get it, I hope you can live with it.

After VAT or better ... after that, is VAT increase or CESS or tax exCESS.

Fools rush in where angels fear to tread.

"Wha sweet in goat teet goin sour in he tail." Buy a bullet-proof vest if you can. You may just need it or need to live in a gated community.

Anonymous said...

I hope the VOICE delete's this rubbish comment up here. Why threathen Mr. Monrose because he says that the government can pay?

Is this the work of SLP supporters are play here. Are we trying to silence Union rights to advocate for their people?

I agree that it is not wise to pay the Union the sum requested but for Christsake, suggesting possible harm to others is what a sick mind is made up of.

Anonymous said...

Stop playing hardball. Accept the 4% and be done with it or risk some workers losing their jobs. Times are rough everywhere and everyone else is attempting to straighten up the house by cutting back on spending including giving raises.

LLL said...

It's not about whether the Government can pay 4%,6%,7%.....etc, is at what cost to the people and economy or more specifically the GNP of the country. The TUF was able to bamboozle King & his irresponsible cohorts in government for an unheard of 14% the last time around, (and there was no VAT), and now they started off with 15% (blaming that on VAT). They need to realize is because of their last increase (of 14%) the Treasury is bankrupt, so the present Government in their wisdom had no choice but to raise revenue for salaries & services rendered.
The offer of 4% offered by the Government is much too reasonable. Arbitration is the fair alternative.

Anonymous said...

Stop trying to change the subject here. From the direction of thought of the first writer, nobody is threatening to personally attack anyone, unless the writer is defensively and personally responding.

An increase in the VAT is not a threat. An alternative to the VAT is not a personal threat. A further incease in the rate of crime which has been spurred on by the VAT is a threat.

Next thing is society may just come under more attacks as personal safety becomes a bigger issue. Bullet-proof vests can shield up to a point. Security guards might be necessary to guard those who might organize gated communities for safety. It is all about the use of English. For most of our country-bookies, English is still a foreign and second language.

Anonymous said...

What a hypocrite. Read this from LL. Unbelievable. It's almost as if Kenny had nothing to do with King coughing up the money.

From LL
not about whether the Government can pay 4%,6%,7%.....etc, is at what cost to the people and economy or more specifically the GNP of the country. The TUF was able to bamboozle King & his irresponsible cohorts in government for an unheard of 14% the last time around,
Sacway Hypoquit!!!

Anonymous said...

Wha sweet in goat teet goin sour in he tail." Buy a bullet-proof vest if you can. You may just need it or need to live in a gated community.

How sad from blogger number 1

Anonymous said...

You ppl have short memories - selective myopia. A couple years ago Kenny was leading the chorus on the 14% increase....he supported the workers tooth and freaking nail. Today his cohorts are saying that Kenny warned King about giving in to the workers' demands. What a blatant LIE. TUF go all the way....don't give up.

Anonymous said...

Shocking, Stop playing politics with the country.

Are these people who's requsting for an increase blinded or death of what is going around the world. UK's CREDIT RATING HAS JUST BEEN DOWNGRADED JUST LESS THAN TWO WEEKS UK's credit rating downgraded just two weeks ago, do we know what these means ! The USA last year!

Are we so naive of the state of the world's economy and where we are positioned in all this. Do we want the country to go bandrupt.

Are we St Lucians aware of the huge cuts the UK government has taken more than two years ago and every year more and more cuts in the public sector and still ungoing, SALARY FREEZE, RESTRUCTURING. I was one affected personally with a very senior role in HUMAN RESOURCE was worse off two year since the cuts.

Everyone is in this together and it is the sad reality of the situation.

If you care about the country you live in, you claim to love do the right thing.. IS THAT HOW YOU LOVE YOUR COUNTRY BY TRYING TO SEND IT BANKRUPT!

Research on other countries.. we do not have a choice.. we have to do whatever it takes so that we do not get worst than were we are at the moment.

Please reaseach into the UK for example... It is not all green over here.. Let's be realistic!

Anonymous said...

"... The TUF was able to bamboozle King & his irresponsible cohorts in government for an unheard of 14%the last time around...."
If that's the case, the TUF should be looking for ways to give back some of that ill-gotten gain; give back at least 4%. The St.Lucian taxpayer could use it.

Anonymous said...

the lpm party is the only one that have made sense on the issue . Their statement in the voice was on point. I have never seen a country that like to make ro ro where there is none . Some of you hacks need to get a freaking like .

Anonymous said...

He-he-he! The LPM has two members they tell me. Neither one of them saved their deposits last elections. LPM is just posturing.

UWP is made up of numbskulls who know not the difference between bull foot and bull cow. They cannot understand anything about an economy that is told to them. Who listens to economic cretins and the economic illiterate? You?

Johhny-one-note on the other hand knows only law. Saint Lucian politicians are comedians, all of them.

Anonymous said...

That is jackarse talk you up there.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
That is jackarse talk you up there.

March 10, 2013 at 9:43 AM
It looks like we have two jackasses oui. One jackass talks and the other responds to the jackass talk.

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

After a 14% increase the last time and the current state of the economy, the 4% increase is not bad. These people are acting like civil servants are the only workers in St. Lucia. I'm not sure if they are blind or deaf. We are all hurting, forcing the government's hand or putting the country into further debt is not the answer. The gov't itself has to make some sacrifices also. The way things are right now, we are all losing.

Anonymous said...

I agree. Unless Kenny and company come up with a meaningful proposal to make sacrifices themselves it go be hard to ask others to make sacrifices. Sacrifices is a two way street. You can be going home with all your money and perks and ask others to sacrifice.

Anonymous said...

That is why 8:28, Kenny can never rally the population behind him. He will never be anything else but a politician no matter how long the SLP keep him as their Lord and Saviour. You just can't teach old dogs new tricks.

Anonymous said...

Kenny cannot empathize. It is not in him. Therefore, he will never ever be able to understand people or what they are going through in their lives. He has never shown himself to be genuinely interested in people. He knows about leveraging the influence gained through people but without any genuine sensitivity.

His schoolmates will tell you that he was always aloof and very unfriendly. He was never a peoples' person.

He always wanted to control, and to have power and authority over others. He loves,they say, titles. But he has never really cared for much more.

The imposition of the VAT on medication is a case in point. No person knowledgeable about economics would come near such a retrograde step.

You are damaging the health of the poor and vulnerable and you are setting the stage for absenteeism and lower productivity in the workforce. You are aggravating current medical conditions that can result in the deaths of those who skip or skimp on necessary medications. His hospital friend in New York could have told him this much.

That policy is not only economically myopic, it is grossly insensitive, careless and heartless, beyond just being economically ignorant.

He has the title but is very far removed from and distant from understanding of the implications of decisions that are purportedly being carried out by his administration.

He should travel less and study more and harder.

Governments are blights on the people of Saint Lucia! They make no god-damn sense whatsoever.

Mature people know that every time someone shows teeth, that does not mean that it is a laugh.

Anonymous said...

Comment#1....You are a very sick person you are so sick it's beyon sick. I hope you rot in hell just shut up you parasite. You are a real dirty St.Lucian nigger hope you drop DEAD.

Anonymous said...

Blogger at 7:08 AM. I agree with your points about VAT on medication. That makes absolutely no sense and will lead to people skimping on medications and we have sooooo many issues with diabetes, cancer and kidney problems just to name a few. I just can't believe they allowed VAT on medication.

Anonymous said...

maybe the goverment will have to add another 5 percent vat on all who wants the 6 percent to keep the country afloat.

Anonymous said...

This first Blogger must be VERY CAREFUL with its TONGUE.

Anonymous said...

March 09, 2013 at 4.25PM what do you understand by Blogger no. 1 referring to Mr. Monrose getting himself a BULLET-PROOF VEST?

We all know what the blogger is inferring here. Get that matter straight. OK.

Anonymous said...

Kenny Anthony has had a very serious problem with himself from his early days; he continues to suffer from these what I would call diseases of no love, very insensitive and almost heartless. He is known to be so; and I for one I am not at all surprised that he could not give one damn about the people of this country; with his introduction of the VAT; and more than that with VAT on medication.

KENNY ANTHONY will go down in St. Lucia's history as the worst Prime Minister ever. Can you imagine he has surpassed John Compton in that Rating.

That rascal.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

If Keny Anthony cannot still account for all those millions of dollars flushed down the drain; then he can pay the public servants.

So shut=up and PAY. Pay -UP.

Anonymous said...

You did shut up your posterior when he foolishly was paying his white superiors for the opportunity to sit at a table with them, saying he negotiating.

But who did you think will pay for all this foolishness? Kenny.

This khaki country bookie only knows how to read speeches, moonlight for Caricom and foreign governments, collecting frequent flyer miles while ignoring our domestic problems which he is clueless about how to tackle.

Look at the growth forum.

Kenny was obviously sitting there looking as engaged as would a glass paperweight with a pitiful look of complete and utter boredom.

His speech was an exercise of just going through the motions. The GG would done a much better job.

That speech was full of empty. Clearly it did not show any familiarity with what the true purpose of the conference was all about.

He was very clearly quite unprepared.

He just sat there reading like "le petit ecolier."

Whenever will our prime ministers ever begin to earn their keep?

I have absolutely no confidence in the prime minister and I am not amused!