Saturday, March 2, 2013

In the Ring – a Commonwealth Secretary-General’s memoir


Anonymous said...

No Secretary General of the Common POVERTY has great relevance today. Period. End of story.

Anonymous said...

Another seal-promoting has been politician who've screwed the people.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

This got me thinking; what happened to our EU ambassador Edwin Laurent? This man was such a repository of knowledge for matters concerning the WTO and other trading arrangements. And what happened to all the talk and fear of the CSME? Pardon my Rumpelstiltskin moment but it seems the media may be more comatose than I.

Anonymous said...

What are you talking about? '... a repository of knowledge for matters concerning the WTO and other trading arrangements.'?

That man with his rose-coloured glasses together with one-trick pony or Johnny-one-note economist Compton lulled a nation to sleep with his pollyanna mouthings on the fate of the banana industry in Saint Lucia.

What an disaster these two visited on us! One was relentlessly pouring in the foolishness from creature comforts in Europe. The other coasting towards apparent senility was just too happy to regurgitate that and repeat them to a non-proactive population, comfortable and content on being forever primary-product banana harvestors. Up to this day, the farmers have remained farmers who still have not learned a single thing other than produce more bananas.

Some they say, when they lose their way redoube their efforts in the same direction.

Anonymous said...

I'd rather discuss ideas, not personalities. Rose-coloured glasses, you say? If memory serves, Laurent seemed to be sounding a death knell for our banana industry - albeit, a couple years too late. I suppose it was his responsibility to relay the impending doom; but the leaders' (PMs, Farmers Union/Banana Associations presidents) responsibility to attempt to change the mindset of the people - taking them from mere growers to manufacturers.

Anonymous said...

Edwin was always a mealy-mouth at SMC. He went into the right profession.

Imagine being paid to do what comes to you as second nature. There was not even minimal effort. He was paid to be himself.

Mealy-mouth ideas don't condemn people to becoming poor and destitute. It is the actors behind the crap that do the shooting that are blameworthy. As long as there are mealy-mouths there will be crap to pour out from them. What a productive and perfect union! Mr. Mealy Mouth teams up with Capitan Senility.